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May seem like a stupid question, but how do you quiet a limb or cam that has started squeaking on drawing. It does it about 3/4 of the way back when drawing. Noticed it the other day and it is just a faint squeak in either the upper limb or cam on my bow. Hard to tell for sure which it is coming from. Afraid it is just enough that it might draw attention to me in the quiet still woods. Dont have a bow press, but considered spraying a shot of teflon based lube in the cam axle to see if that tones down the squeak. The limb bolts have never been adjusted, so would think that should not be an issue. Anyone got any ideas or suggestion if that does not work.

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Are you sure it's not coming from the arrow sliding across the rest? I think most cams and pulleys are meant to be lube free, so if it's squeaking, it may have a defect. I do lube my rest and arrow shafts with Real Magic (odorless silicone spray lube) from the fishing section at Wal Mart. I guess you could try that on your cam and see what happens.

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Are you sure it's not coming from the arrow sliding across the rest?

Thanks for the suggestions. Absolutely 100 percent positive it is not the whisker biscuit and the arrows. I have drawn the bow to that point to find where it was doing it without an arrow knocked and it still does it. Guess I may shoot a little lube on the limb bolts too and see if that helps.

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Guest abster71


have the same thing especially when it's dry switchback one problem I've found is were the cable is attached to the limb their is plastic washers that the string goes over and they developed pits in them bow shop recommends taking them off and sanding the pits out I don't have a press hoping to get over and having it fixed they also said not to spray anything on them in that it will attract more dust and dirt hopefully I explained it OK

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