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Mostly housework, trying to get caught up from the week. Just so tired through the week don't want to clean. My husband (wtnhunt) is out bowhunting right now. Hope he gets one, he saw 2 small bucks yesterday morning and 3-4 does last night. I got an itchin for some backstrap. YYYUUUMMM!!

BTW, how's school going for you? What systems are you studying now? Next time you gut a deer try to name all the parts--good practice for A&P. Good luck with school.


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Well we started clinical last week...we do one day a week working in a long term care facility aka nursing home. makesm e soo nervous! We've done mostly documentation, communication, elderly, stuff like that. For skills we've learned bedmaking, bed bath, lifts, etc.... Luckily my A and P transferred from my previous college so I don't have to to take it but yeah when I'm cleaning animals, I'm always IDing stuff!

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Guest outdoorgirl

I have been busy getting ready for deer season. I worked on clearing some shooting lanes yesterday and tomorrow i'll be out hunting turkey for my first fall season. I went and seen a double tree stand ladder at Walmart for $99 bucks i was thinking on buying it because my little hunting partner has to tag along with me plus i want to setup in a different location on the property.

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Went to some yard sales yesterday morning.....found some great deals. Then Jack had a football game last night. They won 12 to 6.

This morning at day break I went bass fishing for a bit by myself. Weather was gorgeous and cool. Leaves falling everywhere.

Not sure what I'll do the rest of the day though. Married to a man who's 37 going on 90. :(

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Not sure what I'll do the rest of the day though. Married to a man who's 37 going on 90. :(

Ha ha! :D Lol. Aren't they all like that sometimes, though?!

The weather has been gorgeous here this weekend. I shot some practice rounds with the bow and nearly split two arrows. . . . now, we'll just see how accurate I am when a nice deer walks my way!

Speaking of weather, this warmth is predicted to stay around through next week. So, we went ahead and reserved a campsite for next weekend. Fall colors should be awesome along Lake Michigan then, and I'll still have plenty of time to sit in the tree stand this season! :)

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