Just because I'm a woman


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I just read in a hunting magazine about women being overlooked in the hunting arena. I had a similar experience this week when I went to get my broadheads. The guy that owns the shop, Mike, was in the work room working on a bow. A man left and another one walked in the store, looked at me standing at the counter, and went to the shop to talk to Mike. Well, Mike waited on him and I stood there for about 35 minutes while he got him set up with new arrows and broadheads. I didn't say anything b/c I didn't want to seem 'pushy'. Just as he was finishing up, another guy walked in and Mike asked him what he needed. Well, at that point I did speak up and say I needed broadheads. Both Mike and the guy that cut in front of me couldn't apoligize enough. Mike thought I was with the other customer and the customer thought I was waiting for something in the shop. Mike went on to wait on me. The other guy had to pick his jaw up the floor. The look of shock on his face was worth some of the wait! I think if I had been a man though, the guy that walked in wouldn't have assumed that I was waiting for something other than assistance. But now I know you have to go to the shop when you walk in to make sure you are next.

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sorry to hear this , as a man myself i get treated the same way as you do , alot of times , even by the game wardens , they say i don't look like a hunter ( what ever a hunter is suppose to look like ) . even after i tell them i've been huntin x amount of years ( it'll be 20 years this season ) . alot of times i gotta flash money to get help . then i get asked why i need it , even after all this and that i still love huntin , so please don't give up huntin because of ignorant people . even though you didn't mention it . i have my sister huntin with me now for the past 3 years ,

have a safe and fun hunting season luvtohnt

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Sounds like it is possible that neither knew you were waiting to be helped. Usually around here the places we go to regularly, the staff is pretty good about asking if you need any help. Have had a few occasions at places we do not go to very often though where there has been regular customers walk in front of me and start talking to the service tech or whoever it was we were waiting to talk with, basically cutting in front with no respect. Sometimes even a man has to speak up.

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There are alot of ignorant people in the hunting world. I've met alot of people who think they have hunted "the world" and think they know everything and begin to tell you how you should hunt even though you have not asked. I remember walking into a bow shop here in NY, and the people behind the counter saw my bow and said "I think it's time for a new bow." At that time I had a four year old bow, a PSE Baby G that needed a new string. I told him that the bow shoots fine and it has killed deer just like it did four years ago. He decided to lecture me on hunting and so on. I'm not a kid, i'm 37, and he was telling me how to hunt. Granted, I walked out during his sales speech and have never returned. People can be so ignorant.

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Have had the same thing happen to me when I went in to a local shop. Especially when I go in after work with my nursing scrubs on. But I have been to that same shop several times since and now it is like when I walk in the door, all the employees come running asking what they can help me with. I think it just takes time and persistence to show men that us women hunters are just as good (if not better) than men. Keep your chin up and show 'em what your made of.

BTW, welcome to the forums luvtohnt. Always glad to see another gal hunter on here.

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Mike has a great bow shop and knows a great deal about what he is doing with a bow, I would not take my bow anywhere else around here. I am sure that he did not mean any disrespect to you, as a matter of fact he talks about his wife and daughters hunting all the time and is very proud of their success in the woods.

Hope you give him another chance.

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Oh, I'll definately keep going there. I think it was an oversight but at the time I was irked. And I know he has been straight out for several days. I know now to go to the shop door when i walk in and not assume he saw me. In fact, that is how I bought everything. He would tell me what his wife shoots and recommend it. I don't want anyone to think that I am bashing him or his shop because I'm not. It was just an experience that made me stop and think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Next time walk in and pick up the biggest knife you can find off the shelf, a hatchet, a roll of trash bags, some rubber gloves, a camp shovel, and a flashlight. Throw it all up on the counter and I bet you get a quick response. Then when they help you say "Thanks, since you helped me so quickly, I won't be needing this stuff. Can you put it away for me? ;)" Guaranteed everytime you walk in, you will be first in line no matter who is there. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

My girlfriend and I were in a local bow shop a few weeks ago. When we walked in a bunch of guys looked at her then just looked away. I went to the counter and she just looked around. No one asked her if she needed anything either. I think it is way to common for woman to get "blown off" so to speak. Funny thing is she could out fish and out shoot most of the guys there. I guarentee it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i'm betting he doesnt make the same mistake twice, but it should of never happened in the first place, my wife ( who does not hunt) would of been a lil ( understatement) more assertive. dont let it bother you, heck i've been passed up at the counter before too, all i had to do is say excuse me, am i not worthy of your time...it works well :D

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