Wolf Attack!!!


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Front page news up here-www.TheStarPhoenix.com-a mine worker at Key Lake, Sask. was jogging back to the camp from the mine site when a 100 lb wolf jumped him-thew guy wrestled with it till the camp bus came by and scared it away. Check out the web site he got chewed up pretty good-first time I've ever heard of such a thing.

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Re: Wolf Attack!!!

Lucky guy

"They say", that there are no recorded wolf attacks on the books.

I can believe that, because a pack of wolves ussually cleans things up pretty dang good. Out of all the people down through history, that have disappeared in the woods...never to be seen again, I'd be willing to bet some of them died at the hands of a pack of wolves.

They can strip a carcuss clean pretty dang quick and then scatter the bones for hundreds of yards in either direction, in a very short time.

Good to see they finally have an attack on record. It may help open up some future wolf cull programs.

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Re: Wolf Attack!!!

I was atttacked by a pack of wolves once, and they stole all my mounts. They said they were from Iowa, but my wife and brother knew more than they wanted to tell me. I had to watch a video that would explain everything, but the video just reminded me that I'm not married and don't have a brother. Horst has some explaining to do. Weird.

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Re: Wolf Attack!!!

Sure am glad the guy is going to be OK!

We just word here in Idaho that they are relaxing some of the regulations in regards to the wolves they re-introduced! Ranchers can shoot them now! Hopefully there will be a season on them pretty soon!

More of Clinton's hangover!!!! LOL!!!

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Re: Wolf Attack!!!

they said tonight they shot the wolf later and it was skinny and limping bad and alone! i still have a hard time to believe that a animal who has spent his whole life scared of humans will attack unless provoked or unless he is not a pure wolf, dog blood does not go well in wild animals!!I do wish we would hear of what the checkup on the animal showed up would be interesting to find out! I have seen quite a few wolves and thoasands of coyotes soem so sick with mange and skinny and blisters and once they sence humans theya re gone in a second!i find it hard to believe a wolf with the energy to fight like the guy said attacked him in daylight!!

Buckee I tend to dissagree with you, this will be one of the cases that is used to massecure wolves, I believe liek any animal they need to be controaled but so many are up to totally get rid of coyotes and wolves and cases like thsi will help in there fight against the rules!!

I just hate to get people all scared of animals when they should not be!! respect them is what you have to do to them!!

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Re: Wolf Attack!!!

steve all I think abotu is yellowstone, the ranchers want all them dead and with stories like this they might get ther way if they can prove they are dangerous, which I do not believe theya re to humans! I hear the line" kill them all" every weekend talking to ranchers abotu coyotes, it really tickes me off big time when i hear it!

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Re: Wolf Attack!!!

The nuimber of wolves we have here and i have yet to hear somebody even claim a wolf attack. The facts are that yes at some time i am sure wolves may have killed a person, but compared to bears, cougars etc they are an insignificant threat. THey need to be controlled, but people overreact. GO to bowsite.com...some of the guys from the west over there are on a crusade to make everyone think that everytim they go into the woods where wolves live they are at a great risk of attack. From experience i have no fear of wolves(except a rabid one which i have yet to encounter) but would prefer not to meet an angry bear or hungry cougar. I just hate to see a rare incident blown out of proportion by people with an agenda to wipe out a creature.

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Re: Wolf Attack!!!

It's a shame, and I sincerely hope the man makes a complete recovery... as for repercussions that may occur to the wolf species; people need to stop and think!

If we kill every species of animal (both domestic and wild) that "kills" or "attacks" a human... we will kill NEARLY every species on earth! How many cattle have killed people? Horses? Deer? Not to mention Snakes? Elk... I'm sure if not killed, seriously injured!... every species of animal has the instinct to "fight or flight"... therefore every species has the "potential" to inflict harm or even death onto a human...

We can't go around retaliating against wildlife because they behave in a manner that is in their very being... that's nonsense!

There is certainly nothing wrong with removing a "problem" animal... but this too must be done w/ great caution and diligence to ensure that animals that are removed are removed out of necessity and not out of vengance or fear!

JMHO... goat!

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Re: Wolf Attack!!!

Cory: the latter part of my posts talks about "removing problem animals"... I will conceed that some animals become "nuciance" or "dangerous" and certainly need removal... I do not, however believe that "all" animals of a specific species are necessarilly immediately dangerous! (by that, I mean... I don't think that a lone wolf in a 400 acre of woods, poses an immediate threat to myself) in that, there "natural response" (when not group hunting) unless provoked is to flight... that's all I was implying!

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Re: Wolf Attack!!!


All Im gonna say is..our grandfathers got rid of 'em for a reason where did we go wrong??

[/ QUOTE ]

We are letting liberals in office who want the blasted things re-introduced along with the grizzly bears and other good things!!!! mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif

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