Doe pic for "Niterunner" **


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I just noticed this deer in the entry thread.

WOW !!!!! Is this really a doe???

I have never ever seen a doe with a neck and head that huge...never. That thing is built like a steer...WOW !!! Look at the legs, the size of the head, the shortness of the neck...geesh ..looks like it's a cross with some other animal.

I'm not trying to belittle it as a very fine deer, I just can't believe what I'm seeing here. confused.gif

Are you sure that thing didn't have dingle berries between it's legs ....seriously laugh.gifblush.gif

Doe pic for Niterunner .... Team #5


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Re: Doe pic for \"Niterunner\" **

Very Glad you all like it! It was a Fatty one. It was this years Fawn though. There's another one that can top it though. Only wish I had a Pic.

It's the first White Deer I've seen Alive. Piebold actually. Because it has the brown spots it looks like a Calf. It is so Small and Fat it looks liek something is wrong with it.


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Re: Doe pic for \"Niterunner\" **

That thing is Huge Laura. I would have never guessed it to be a fawn.

It sounds like you have a few oddities roaming around where you hunt ..LOL.

You don't live beside a nuclear facility do you?? or..maybe have a few crop circles in the erea this girl was feedinggrin.gif

Congratulations on a hefty heffer grin.gif

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Re: Doe pic for \"Niterunner\" **


That thing is Huge Laura. I would have never guessed it to be a fawn.

It sounds like you have a few oddities roaming around where you hunt ..LOL.

You don't live beside a nuclear facility do you?? or..maybe have a few crop circles in the erea this girl was feedinggrin.gif

Congratulations on a hefty heffer grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

How Did you Know That?! LOL!

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