Oklahoma Antelope


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I was drawn for a "once in a lifetime Oklahoma antelope tag" this year. I hunted near Boise City Oklahoma (panhandle) It was a fun (but short) hunt and I saw lots of game. I scouted all day the day before the season and saw three or four what I consider shooter bucks. Opening morning I went where I last saw this buck the evening before and sure enough he was still there. I snuck up to about 150 yards of him and 4 does but they were bedded down after about hour he got up and started chasing one of the does. He got out about 250 yards and presented a good shot. The hunt started at 7 and ended at 9. He measures 14" on both sides.

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congradulations on a real nice buck. but, why did you wait for him to stand up??? were you planning on shooting him in a leg?? lol . just kidding. i used to have my hunters shoot bedded bucks all the time, and that's the line i used on them when they wanted to let them stand up. fact is, all the vitals are in place when he'l lying down, too...

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