Bowhunting bobcats


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Re: Bowhunting bobcats

I saw one this year while bow hunting. He came in just before daylight on the same trail I came in on. He got within range and sat down - facing me. I would've taken a shot, but figured he'd jump the string since he was lookin' in my direction. He woulda been hard to hit.

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Re: Bowhunting bobcats

I've called them into bow range while sitting in my normal coyote set up. They are very curious but slow to come to most calls. I've only had one sprint to the noise. Patience is the best bet. Also, tone down the noise as the cat closes the distance. If it's too noisy he'll identify you fairly quickly.

You don't have to worry about scent very much. They do not have the coyote's nose and your scent pool will probably not alert a cat as quick as the little dogs.

Bobcats are sight and sound hunters more so then scent. They are quick to focus on movement and their ability to pinpoint noise sources is pretty amazing. Consequently, pick your spots well, use cammo properly, move as little as possible, and time your calls when the cat is not looking in your direction.

This last item is important. Once the cat closes to 100 yards or so it will already have the general location of the call narrowed down. If there is little cover between you and Robert, it may take only the slightest movement on your part to pinpoint your set up. A novice cat's reaction will be to promptly sit down or crouch and watch you for awhile. If the bobcat is hunter savy, he'll run in other direction.

If you know where the bobcats are, you've won half the battle. If you aren't too sure, look for areas with lots of blackberry bushes. The heavier the cover the better. Our bobcats have a tendency to focus on the quail and turkey as primary food sources. Quail love blackberry bushes. Locate a good size covey of quail and you are probably in bobcat country.

Bobcats are not social creatures by nature and they fiercely defend their territory. Males in particular. In our area, a mature male may have a territory 10-15 miles in radius. More if there isn't much competition. The females don't move quite so far and there will generally be more of them in a given area.

I sit on a bobcat stand for at least 1/2 hour before moving...sometimes and hour or more. I walk to the stand like I'm deer hunting. Walk a few steps, pick cover to stand next to, pick my next spot and take a few more steps. Once your in the cat's hunting area it's very possible to spot them while your moving. More likely, the cat will spot you first.

Bobcats are normally very shy, however, if you get one in close enough to shoot with a bow the party may not necessarily be over. If a big cat feels cornered with no way out it can be a fury of teeth and claws. They are not house cats in any way shape or form. I had a large male stalk me while I was walking to a turkey stand two years ago. At first I thought it was cool until he got within about 15 yards, crouched and started twitching his tail furiously. His body language was clear as a bell. I've have never observed behavior like this before, so I doubt it was normal, but the threat was still there.

Lastly, if you are careful enough to call a bobcat into bow range the same will be true for cougars. Our population of California cougars has increased dramatically over the years. They are not hunted and the population today does not fear humans very much. I had a very good friend call in a cougar while he was scratching for turkey. The cougar snuck up on him from the rear and almost got him. It took several shots of #4 to end that game.

Go predator hunting with a buddy and have them set up on your six. If you take one side of the tree, have your friend set up directly behind you looking in the opposite direction. It's a good safety practice, helps your hunting, and its much more fun, too.

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