Team #25 - Last Chance White"TALES"

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well team mates, I just got home from camp for tonight and tommorow ( head back tommorow night).

No points for the team in the first two days of rifle season :(

I saw 7 deer and a coyote on opening morning ( friday ), 1 deer the first evening, 2 this morning and 0 this evening.

None of them had antlers --- all does and fawns.

I am only allowed to kill 1 antlered deer, you can only kill a doe here if you get picked in the doe draw, which I didn't :(

But, I'll be heading back tommorow night for the week ;) lots of hunting days ahead of me :cool:

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NS, you have some huge deer up there. Congrats!

I scored a spike for us in GA:( ( thought it was a doe ). Your buck makes mine look like a newborn. ( great eating, thou)

Will enter it as soon as I get the pictures loaded ( left the camera at home).

Congrats on the spike Deb.

I went out this morning and saw 4 does but couldn't get a shot. :(

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Hey Team,

I got this 8 point Monday morning chasing a doe. We saw some good nucks this weekend. We videoed two 140 class getting shot. I guess this is 13 more points for the team?

How do I shrink the pic? It is saying that it is too large.



Hi Eric,

You have a program called "PAINT" on your computer already.


Download your picture from your camera to your computer and save them in a folder, where you know where they are. Best place is in "My Documents", and inside the "My Pictures" folder.

Go to your picture folder on your PC where the picture/pictures are stored.

Right click on the picture, then

(left click) on Open with "Paint"

Then, up top in the toolbar:

left Click on "Image"

left Click on "stretch/skew"

When the box comes up, change your height and width from 100% to 40% or 50% and then "left click" on "OK".

Let's say you chose 50%, and the picture isn't quite small enough yet.

You need to first undo, what you just did by clicking on "EDIT" and then "UNDO"

Then you can go back to "STRETCH/SKEW" and try maybe 40% or 30%.

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