So, You Want to be Michael Waddell?


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Nope, not for me. Have not read the article yet but will. Honestly I am not really outgoing enough to have a job like his and would not want it, although I would love to go on some of the hunts he gets to go on or get to go with him. Seeing the way he was to the point of being overwhelmed with people flocking to him at the nwtf convention I just dont think I could handle it, pretty insane.

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If I were Michael, I would hire someone to home school my kids, buy a bus like the Country stars he has on his show and have my family with me touring the Country. At least part of the time of the season anyway. I couldn't stand to be away from my kids that long.....the wife, that is sometimes a different story! :D;)

I personally would love his job for just about a year. Beyond that, it would suck. I hunt to eliminate pressure from my life, tree therapy if you will. Adding deadlines and the other pieces to hunting would ruin it for me.

Being Michael's best friend who hunts with him a lot is the best spot in my mind! :D


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The hunts are outstanding... but all the work and doing it day in and day out would ruin it for me. Hunting is so special to me because it is a limited time to relax and enjoy what I love so much in this world. Making a career out of it would take almost all of that away from me...

Which leads me to say, Michael is one heck of a guy for sacrificing what he does so that I can get a little more pumped up each year before the season rolls around!

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It would be the perfect job for a guy who loves to hunt and is single.

I would think that it would be really hard to be away from the family that much but I am sure he must like it enough to keep doing it.

When you are popular like he is I am sure it is tough sometimes to not just run and hide from everybody and just want to spend time with the family. I am sure someday he will have his time with the family when he decides he has had enough.

Or maybe someday there will be a hunting show with the hole Waddell family....are you listening realtree haha

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He is without a doubt hte most popular guy in the business right now,and for good reason.I would probably do whatever it takes for the first few years,but if it was me I would just scale back a little bit.I have a hard time leaving the family for 4 or 5 days at a time just a couple of times a year,and he does it all year round.I believe i would try to find some property close to home and manage it and film on it like Lee and Tiffany do,and scale back on the outfitters a bit.

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Guest Wackmaster17

I would honestly still love to have his job even after reading the article. I have alwaysed dreamed of being able to go on all those once in a lifetime hunts and actually seeing all those places he has gone. The only part that I would not like is being away from my family for so long.

But Michael has also had his family come with him on a few hunting trips. My personal favorite is when Michael took Mason on a dove hunt.

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At this point in my life I could handle it and would love it. My youngest graduates from college this year so they are all pretty much grown and can handle being on their own. I can understand how it would be hard with someone with small children.

My wife .............. she would probably love it if she only got to see me two days a week.

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Guest Andrea

It's gotta be hard on his family for sure. Not sure I could do it unless I took my family with me.

There's always a price for fame.......

But he seems dedicated and his wife supports him. Maybe he can cut back on some things once his children get a little older. I don't know how his wife does it's gotta get lonely.:(

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Its tough what Michael does, Ive talked with him at shows that we did together. I dont do as many hunts as him but Im at my limit between being a dad ,husband. This year Ill do 4 deer hunts ( Wyoming,Kansas,Ohio and Iowa. And Ive already did a Rio hunt in Texas this spring. So I have a idea what hes going through. Also doing around 10 out of state shows as well for Realtree.


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I could do it. I've been gone from my family alot for not nearly as much fun (yes, hunting is fun) nor money. Some military guys are deployed and away from their families for more than a year at a time. ;)

Of course, I don't have the skills, looks or personality to make it possible. :o:eek:

I'm jealous of people who never have to be away from their families....but now that I'm retired, there will be no more Temporary Duty trips :D

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I have always felt a bit selfish sitting on stand and hunting as much as I do, and I don't leave the state. I can only imagine what the Waddells go through.

Mike does have a great job, but everything is a trade off. Having cake and eating it is not possible.

I'm sure Mike will find the balance needed to be a good Dad/husband and TV personality for us all.

Thanks Mike for being you and giving us quality TV.

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The real problem Michael will see down the road is all the things he misses out on with his family. Things we take for granted like giving them baths and teaching them new things. In his line of work he has to do what he has to do and it supports his family. So he has to be like that to support his family and you know it tugs at his heart to be away from them and not there for the little things. He does what he does in the hunting industry for them to have a better life but you know he really regrets not being there all the time.

When they get bigger you just know the family will travel around and it will be a family type hunt! Michael will make sure of that!!

Road Tripping with the Waddells! :)

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