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Mike Huckabee for me. Obama #2?!?!?!?!? Rudy #3!?!?!?!?!?!Never would have guess it:confused:

I'll say this though, I will NEVER vote for anyone for President with the last name OBAMA no matter how good he is. Just the thought makes me worry. Why would we want a Muslim to run this country anyway? Oh that's right, he is not Muslim is he? He is a Christian. Maybe he will flip flop like Kerry does. One day a Muslim and the next day a Christain. Either way, no way!

Also as far as Rudy goes...No way! The only reason he is in this is because of the popularity he got from 9/11. I think he is using that trajedy and his popularity from that trajedy to enter into the Presidential political arena. Just my thoughts

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OHHH GOD!!! Hillary was #1, but John Edwards was #1 also. I can go with Edwards but there is no way Hillary is getting my vote. Joe Biden was #3, whom I like. The top Republican was Mitt Romney, who I prefer over Giuliani.

I still have no idea who I am going to vote for. If I were to vote for a Democrat it would be Edwards or Biden, if I voted Republican it would be Romney or Giuliani. I probably won't make my decision until after the primaries are done and I know who the nominee's are.

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