For all you Muzzy Shooters.........


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After a bad experience last night shooting a deer with my Tekan II's, with them leaving a very small whole in the one lung, you have finally converted me to try some Muzzy's! :o:D:D I guess I'll have to whack another doe before the big boys come out to play during the rut to try them out. ;)

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Guest bow_hunter101

Yea!! Another Muzzy hunter! ha ha You won't be dissapointed, they are awesome broadheads. First deer I shot with a bow was a 5-point buck. My Muzzy busted right through the shoulder and hit double lung. He didn't go 60 yards and piled up. They leave a big hole and are tough as nails!

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I don't think you be disappointed with them! 32 of the 33 deer I've taken with a bow has been with a Muzzy. The only other head I've killed a deer with has been the Tekan II last year, just tried it out to see how well it would do. The deer only ran about 50 yards and piled up however I wasn't to impressed with the entry hole, would have made for a small blood trail. I know, I know, the deer went down within 50 yards but what if it was a marginal,but fatal, shot and the deer went over 200 yards with this small entry hole. I like the same size hole going in as coming out. :D JMHO

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Guest bow_hunter101
I know, I know, the deer went down within 50 yards but what if it was a marginal,but fatal, shot and the deer went over 200 yards with this small entry hole. I like the same size hole going in as coming out. :D JMHO

That's a good point. The doe I shot last weekend wasn't a pass through, but the 1 1/4" hole left a GREAT blood trail. It made tracking her extremely easy. If I was using an expandable it would have been hard to find a blood trail.

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Welcome to the family. I've been using muzzys for 3 years and have taken 4 deer with them. I've had no complaints. The doe I killed tuesday, I hit dead in the shoulder bone (not shoulder blade). Well, it absolutely shatterred it, she only ran about 80 yards and had an awesome blood trail.

Tune them in and you won't be dissappointed.

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I shoot the 3 blade 100 grns also, shot my first deer of the season this morning, a doe, at thirty yards quatering away behind one shoulder and blew right threw the other, left a great blood trail

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