calls got me stumped again!


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i have become a pretty good turkey caller after a few years of being taught how to under my uncle. so the ONLY call i cannot not do well, i cannot do at all even is the mouth call. (a diaphragm) anybody got any tips for me on those? i have worked for hours and still not gotten it. i beleive thta it is the best type to use because it requires very little movement and you have such a variety of calls you can do it in. any comments will help. thanks guys!

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Re: calls got me stumped again!

i agree--the diaphram is the best type of call. i got kind of lucky and calling with one was easy for me. some people have a hard time keeping one in their mouth without gagging. I don't know any tips to give you though except just keep practicing and finally you'll get the technique down.


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Re: calls got me stumped again!

Keep one with you, I think one of the best times to practice is while you are alone driving in your car.

Keep moving the call on your tongue and changing how hard your press your tongue up.

One of the hardest parts is getting the first sound, once you do that it seems to go pretty quickly to get the basic clucks & yelps down..

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Re: calls got me stumped again!

I would give the Primos calls a shot. They have a hook series that has a piece on top keeping it from sitting in the wrong place. I too just play with them in the vehicles all the time. It just takes practice before you start to feel like you won't choke on them. Good luck.

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Re: calls got me stumped again!


i have used them for yrs but i still can't purr with

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1strut.......... Can you flutter your tongue?? I mean like, making a machine gun sound with it by blowing air out?? It's one of those things that some people can and some cannot do. If you can' can't learn it. It's hereditary.

If you can........... With the call in your mouth, bring your air from your belly (like you should to make all sounds on a diaphragm call), flutter your tongue and say the word "hoyt" only drag it out a bit like "hoooooyyyyt". That'll give a very nice purr.

If you can't........... You will have to flutter or buzz your lips. Again, bring the air from your belly, flutter your lips and say "poyt" only, again, drag it out like saying "poooooyyyt". It will give you a decent (although a bit slobbery) purr.

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Re: calls got me stumped again!

I honestly didn't like the Primos calls very much. I learned most of the stuff on a H.S. Tone Trough call. A lot of people don't like that one, but I did. After learning it on that, I started buying more regular diaphragm calls. It takes a while to learn, but you'll get it down eventually.

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