Favorite Coyote call

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Guest onesonek

Can't say I got any real favorite, I use alot of different calls. And there is a whole host of factors as to what I'm going to use. The Double Whammy is a very good call though, and it's always close at hand. I have some custom Axis Antler squeekers that are good. Then the Cronk cow horn caller. I have even used a Sceery cow elk call at times with success. Then there are times where squeeks on my hand with the lips work.


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My favorite call

I made this one earlier this year out of Gemsbok horn and amber acrylic. This little open reed call has some great sounds and has plenty of volume to bring in them predators from waaaaaaaaaaaay out.


I sure wish it would cool off enough to get out and do some calling.

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my favorite open reed call is a custom parker predator call, that and the regulators from primos are always with me, I also use alot of howlers,last year it was mainly the mini mag and critter gettr but this year I have a couple new ones I got that I think will work great,in all I have well over 35 calls,they all have there place, all depends on time of year,food supply,and weather and distance needed to call!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

jason all depends on the area, if there are cottontails, use cottontail, ect, fawn works good in early season, birds work good to, I carry about 40 calls in my truck and learn which ones seam to work in certain areas, I alos use different calls every tiem out to that area, just change things up!I am finding that right now thye are coming into the pup distress, I am starting out with a prey distress and after 10 minutes or so throwing in a pup distress, this is when most are responding, not just females either, trial and error, that is the best way to know what calls to use, I deffinatly prefer to use the open reed, with them you can make so many different sounds, make the quiver at the end better, and most of all they do not freeze up! good luck!!

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