.20ga slugs


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My son wants a slug barrel and a scope for his Mossberg 500. He is determined to take a deer with the 1st gun he ever bought. It will be for his Christmas and birthday presents, So I got him a OEM rifled barrel scope combo from Cheaper Than Dirt. http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/21582-54065-2276.html This barrel has a cantilever scope mount so you could swap out the barrel for a scattergun and still be on zero when the slug barrel goes back on.

I have always hunted with a rifle and know nada about slug guns. Joe will be 16 and able to hunt on his own this year with a gun, so I need to get this gun set up for Nov25th. His birthday.

Heres my question...

Any recommendations on .20ga slugs? I think I want him to shoot the Hornady SST's or even the Lightfields. I've heard mixed stuff about them.

Any input on ammo or slug gun tips appreciated.


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The two brands you mentioned are the two best ones out there. My best friend shoots Lightfields and they are an awesome slug. If I was buying a new 20 ga. the first one I would try is the Hornadys to see if they are as goos as they claim. I Loooove my Hornady LeveRevolutions so right now I have a fondness for Hornady bullets. BUT! I have seen the deadly accuracy of Lightfields. Its a toss-up between the two for me.


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Guest Grim Reaper2

I shoot a 20ga for deer and I use the Copper Solids by Remington and could not be happier with the performance I have shot many deer and most do not even run 50 yards the farthest I have had to track a deer is 40 yards and it was a strong quarter away shot and I got out of the stand in less then 5 min an blood all over. I have always had blood and I will keep using them :)

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OK, here are the loads I have assembled.

2 boxes of each

Hornady 250gr SST 2 3/4"shell

Lightfield Hybrid EXP 7/8oz slug 2 3/4" shell

Brenneke Magnum 1oz 3" shell

The gun will come upstate with us this weekend and we will see what the gun likes best.

Thanks for all the suggestions.

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Guest So.Ill-Kev

I have the same gun but no rifled barell, just screw in the improved cyl choke and shoot the old style lead slug, works awsome out to 100 yards. But you cant beat the Hornady's I shoot the sst's in my muzzleloader and will never change.

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From my experience you need to but a couple or a few different brands of slugs. Different guns shoot them all differently. I shoot a winchester 1200 an old gun but with a new slug barrel on it and it won't shoot remingtons well at all. I might as well have a scatter gun. I have never tried Hornadays and Lightfields shot well out of my gun. I use Brenekkes 20g 23/4 they shoot well out of my gun and the pack a punch. The farthest a deer ever ran after i shot one of those is maybe 50 yards.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest yarddog

great combo

i bought my daughter a mossberg 500 turkey deer combo put a nikon team real tree scope on it and with light field slugs this thing is a tack driver out to 100yrd and beyond. it shoots so good i took it out last year during gun season my self and took a doe at 110 yrd she was dead when she hit the ground the light field is that good.the light field is cheep to shoot so he will practice more it is a win win iin my book:)

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OK...we took the gun out to sight it in. The Brennekes 3" .20ga shot the best. They were relatively cheap $7.99/5 compared to Hornadys SST slug @$13/5. Which shot 2nd best.

What was really disappointing was. The barrel and scope came as a package deal and was lazer bore sighted from the factory. Put the barrel on the gun, checked everything. Joe starts shooting. He is all over the place. We are scratching our heads. Upon closer inspection of the barrel and scope. The scope rings were only hand tightened :mad: and the scope was dancing with each shot. Regardless of adjustment. I got a hold of some hex keys and tightened the scope mounts and rings up. Then we were OK.

I know... I know. Shame on me for not checking the mounts out before we started shooting. But I took for granted that since it was bore sighted at the factory it was good to go. We went though 5 rounds before we knew something had to be up.

I called Mossberg about this and am awaiting a call back. I better not hold my breath.

The gun shot well and with the porting...recoil was almost non existent.

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