My General Update.


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Well, things are good. For the first time in a long time, I like my job. I am offically a Project Manager for an Oil Company. My day now starts at roughly (and I mean roughly) 6:30 instead of 5:00. I drive around in a company truck half the day everyday. Im in meetings several times a week but they buy us lunch so theyre good. In a meeting last week we played golf at the Tulsa Country Club..... Life is good.

My wife is really starting to show. She isnt due to April so she is worried about already showing. Otherwise, everyone is Healthy and doing great.

I have a ton of side projects going (shopping centers, building add ons, houses, etc). That has kept me to busy to hunt thus far but that is changing. Ill be out tomorrow for the first time this year. Im really looking forward to it!

I leave everyday until Noon (chasing down material, vendors, etc.). Im back but will only be on early in the morning until 7:00 and after noon....

Ive missed you all!

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