Predator Camo-Amazing!


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I switched to Predators Fall Grey and few years ago and had a lot of confidence in it while in a tree stand. But now I have like 300% confidence in the stuff!

I was 30 feet up in a poplar tree over looking a small food plot. Kinda out in the open on that side of the tree. I had deer in the plot but nothing I was interested in shooting. I all but danced around in this stand to see how much I could get away with.

Nothing saw me.

BTW it was dead calm, no wind or noise.

About an hour later the deer were still eating and I decided I was going for broke. I climbed down 2 steps and started to move the stand from one side of the tree to the back side so I could have my left shoulder facing the plot.

I clanked chain against metal, I sawed off 2 limbs, and not to mention climbed up and down and few times to get the dang thing level again. I was slow and cautious but none-the-less I moved the stand and got back in it with deer no less then 30-40 yards away or busting me.

I am either a bowhunting ninja or this stuff really works!!!!

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LOL, sounds like you were up high enough to be above where they were focused maybe. Dont know, but 31 feet up is probably not where deer would normally pay attention to unless they were drawn for some reason.

While on the subject of camo effectiveness, yesterday afternoon, walked up on a dozen turkeys here and they never left the area while I was making my way to my stand. I slowly made my way up the hill within less than 50 yards of them and went on and climbed up my stick ladder and stepped onto hang on stand and they were still within 60 yards of me. Surprisingly with 24 of the sharpest eyes out there, they did not seem at all bothered, guess they were nto sure what I was. One putted a few times, but she never took off. Was not until I pulled my bow up that they left the area in the bottom below me, but they casually walked away. I was wearing good old advantage timber.

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