Islam, a religion of tolerance?

Guest swampfox

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Guest swampfox

The following is from England where muslims now make up a significant % of the population. In a few years this kind of thing may become commonplace here as well.

Muslim dentist 'told patient to wear a headscarf or go elsewhere'

Muslim dentist 'told patient to wear a headscarf or go elsewhere' [Excerpts]

A muslim dentist made a woman wear Islamic dress as the

price of accepting her as an NHS patient, it is alleged.

Omer Butt is said to have told the patient that unless she

wore a headscarf she would have to find another practice.

It is claimed that the 31-year-old dentist asked to speak

to the woman in private after she turned up for an

appointment at his clinic in Bury.

According to the charges, he questioned her on whether she

was a Muslim and told her that if he was to treat her she

would have to wear Islamic dress.

He is also said to have read out a number of religious

rules to her.

He then told his nurse to give the patient her own

headscarf to wear, the accusation says.

Mr Butt is the older brother of former Islamic extremist

Hassan Butt, who once declared he had 'no problem' with

terror attacks on Britain and who said that September 11

"served the pleasure of Allah".

He has since recanted and now calls for all Muslims to

abandon violence.

The dentist also featured in immigration hearings involving

an asylum seeker suspected of providing a safe house for

Kamel Bourgass, an Algerian terrorist jailed for life for

stabbing PC Stephen Oake to death in Manchester in 2003.

(Steve Doughty and Jaya Narain, Daily Mail, UK, Tuesday, September 18, 2007)

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In a few years this kind of thing may become commonplace here as well.

Very sad that things like this happen anywhere. While some parts of this country I could see that possibly happening, I dont see it happening around here. Bad thing is if we let the liberal lawmakers take control of this country we can just about expect for occurrences like this to take place here soon.

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