Who is the Biggest MORON?


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Re: Who is the Biggest MORON?


No, but you sure are perpetuating the "answering your own posts" moronism.



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Yep! You Moron!

First post, Where do you Hunt?

Second Post....I hunt here

Third post.....Why I hunt here.

Fourth Post....why I like it there

Fifth post....Why I dont like it there.

So On

So Forth

He Just gets so happy, he cant help but post multiple times. LMBO


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Re: Who is the Biggest MORON?


HEy atleast I didnt make a thread for the most posts in an hour!

BILLY GOAT!!!!!!!!

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Nice try Ryan! Unfortunately, you were foolish enough to ask a rhetorical question... for which you have established yourself among, if not, the "GREATEST" moron around.

BTW: who's to say I made a post???? I can't find it! shocked.gif

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Re: Who is the Biggest MORON?



HEy atleast I didnt make a thread for the most posts in an hour!

BILLY GOAT!!!!!!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice try Ryan! Unfortunately, you were foolish enough to ask a rhetorical question... for which you have established yourself among, if not, the "GREATEST" moron around.

BTW: who's to say I made a post???? I can't find it! shocked.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

billygoat I still think that your headgear would make a nice wall mount... grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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