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My buddy continues to have problems with his Traditions Deerhunting .50 sidelock ML misfiring. He loads with approximately 85 grains of 777, sabot bullets, and CCI No. 11 percussion caps.

Opening day of ML (11/1), he attempted to shoot at the end of the day replacing the cap four times and NOTHING (except the cap). I was only 50 degrees in the morning, went up to near 80 mid-day, then back down to around 60 in the evening. I was not using tape or a condom over the barrel (which I did recommend). The next time was this past Saturday (11/8) in the afternoon while attempting to shoot a 6 pointer. It was around 45 degrees (I think).

This is how he has "told" me he has cleaned his ML:

- cleaning using hot soapy water and running patches through

- rinsing using hot water and running patches through

- letting air drying for a bit

- running dry patches through until completely dry

- running patches with TC bore butter through

He didn't mention anything about cleaning the nipple and where the nipple screws into (what's that called?) but I am assuming he did.

I did ask him if he tilted his rifle sidelock down when loading to let some powder go down to the nipple. I said he did but only after he loaded the bullet and packed it down. I would think the powder wouldn't move after that.

So, here are my thoughts. I think the first day could have been moisture from the barrel sweating. He should have used a rubber! grin.gif Sorry...couldn't resist. Anyway, the second day could have been the fact that he cleaned his rifle like an hour or two before we went out. There could have still been moisture in the barrel from the cleaning. I don't think he snapped off a couple of caps after he cleaned it or ran a dry patch down before loading. That's what I think but I'm definitely a rookie. cool.gif

Any thoughts/suggestions from the experts?

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Re: Misfires

I would imagine he still had moisture in the barrel from cleaning. I always dry patch prior to loading. Ya never know what kind of crap can be in the barrel. Its best to pop a couple caps after giving it the bath. It clears out the system.

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Guest Rhinodog

Re: Misfires

One of my muzzleloaders is a Traditions Buckskinner sidelock. I replaced the original #11 nipple with a musket cap nipple. There is no hesitation now at all. Haven't had a misfire since then either.

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Re: Misfires


One of my muzzleloaders is a Traditions Buckskinner sidelock. I replaced the original #11 nipple with a musket cap nipple. There is no hesitation now at all. Haven't had a misfire since then either.

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I thought about doing the same thing with my Traditions Panther. Sounds like it would be a good idea.

Thanks for all the other responses. I'll pass the word along to my buddy.

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Re: Misfires


I always(Always) run a dry patches down the barrel until they come out with no oil residue on them then I fire 3 or 4 caps/primers. I then load a squib charge(30gr of powder with toilet paper wad over the powder) and fire the gun. After firing I run a couple dry patches and load my hunting load. I have never had this fail me in 20yrs of B/P hunting. I fire the gun off after each day of hunting, swab with a dry patch and ready to reload for the next morning. This may be going a little too far but I do not want to take the chance of missing the buck of a lifetime because I didn't do it.

Good Luck!!

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Just so I know...

What happens when you "shoot" the squib charge?

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  • 1 year later...

Re: Misfires

I own 5 sidelocks myself and they have to be treated a little differently than in-lines.

Triple 7 has problem gumming up in the drum. I would switch to fffg if thats the powder I wanted to stick with.

Bore Butter works fine for patched round balls or lead but isnt recomended for sabots. Sabots tend to force the butter into a plug in the breech.

I always fire a dry cap or two before loading.

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