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I thought I would share something I have been pondering on a bit today- especially in the light of elections coming up soon. I was thinking today about the moral decay in our country,& just where this country is headed , when I realized that today,UsBible believing, followers of Christ are badly outnumbered in the good old USA. You see, our forefathers founded this country on Christian principals (In God WE Trust). Today we still like to think of our nation as a Christian ation, however, nothing could be farther from the truth. True we do have christians here, but by & large, the % of folks I interact with daily like to consider themselves part of a Christian nation, but have no personal relationship with Jesus.. Now I dont consider myself as being judgemental- That i Gods job, but rather as a bit of a fruit inspector (By your fruits e shall be known). I feel that the majority of folks in the USA actually take pride in being part of a Christian nation more along the lines of a sense of patriotism rather than because of a desire to follow Christ.

Upon farther reflection, this is no real surprise- the Bible tells us pretty clearly about the wide gate & hte narrow one. I sure hope Christians, Gun owners, HUnters & the like can pull the votes out to keep the Whitehouse from dragging us backwards in 08- Lane

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