How'd you do NYers?


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Well I just got back in. Saw nothing until about 9:00am when a doe and 2 of her youngins came behind me from my right. Wind swirling and they went back in the hemlocks then a couple minutes later came out in a shooting lane about 40 yards more in front of me. Mother went into the hemlocks, the two youngsters just stood for about 20 minutes trying to figure out what they were smelling. If one of them had come a little closer, I'd have had a shot. Eventually mom snorted and they all moved off. Also watched a grey squirrel husk a cob of corn and then bury the kernels:rolleyes: Andy saw a buck but too far and he couldn't tell how big or small it was.

How'd everyone else do?

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We were covered in deer all morning. Nothing was close enough for a shot, only once but it was a button buck and we both decided to pass. Turns out a couple of minutes later, our neighbor's girlfriend shot it. It was her first deer. Also seen a ton of bucks chasing does and grunting but nothing within range. Heading back out in the afternoon.

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I had a pretty uneventful opening morning hunt...saw a fox, a flock of turkeys and found 2 smoking fresh scrapes. Gonna hunt a little patch of white oaks tonight that the deer seem to be hammering (lots of poop under the trees last time I checked them two weeks ago). I'm pretty pumped about this spot...probably get out to the woods around 2:30. I jumped a really nice buck in this spot while scouting three weeks ago. Hopefully, he's still around and will have a craving for some acorns bowtech and mr. slick trick will be waiting for him.

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Sounds liek a good morning overall for most. We'll be heading back out soon, not sure what stand I'll hunt, want to hunt acorns, but wind isn't that great. Will hunt here tomorrow morning also then join the neighbor tomorrow afternoon for an evening hunt and stay at his place and hunt Monday morning, so I won't be on here for 24 hours,lol. He called Andy today and said he saw alot of deer. I'll let you all know how tonight goes!

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i had about 6-8 does come in,4 little ones were feeding 8 yards behind me while the bigger ones of the brunch were just around the corner of the trail where i couldnt get a clear dad was 50 yards or so up the hill and he saw the smaller ones comeing up the trail and stood up and the does saw him and they all spooked and ran off.i guess that was a bigger buck, a smaller buck and a lil doe that went by my dad but i only saw the little bow and he said the bucks were too far to shoot.hunting a new spot tonight,tomorrow and tomorrow night where ive been seeing 15-20 in the feild and im just in between the two feilds so i might get lucky.

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