Team Freaknasty BBD!!! pic

Ravin R10 man

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Ok guys RT is on the fritz again....

here's the story

Got in my stand early..NW wind..PERFECT for that stand..Im on a major runway that goes from bedding to cornfeild, Im on the downwind side.

A little 5 pt comes out and mills around under me for about 20 minutes..then he snaps his head back and looks in the direction of the bedding area..I look over my shoulder, as Im facing the way the deer will be going, (quartering away shot), there he is and he is coming....I lock my release and get ready..its DEAD quiet, and he's gonna be at 15 yards max broadside....he stops and is lookiing around...the little guy is now following him and I figure I better start a slow draw..I get back and find my spots and then slowly lean over and down..pick a spot,"Lord help my arrow fly striaght"... and squeeze....THWAACK!!!! I knew right then he was mine!! last I saw the arrow had zipped right thru! clean double lunger!! he ran 35 yards stopped..and Im watching for him to fsall over..I know he's dead... then he staggers and runs in a tight right hand circle and cork screws into the ground.. "Thank You Lord"!!

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