Michigan Buck


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Well I finally took a buck with my bow after a few years of no luck. It is not a monster but I am happy. I have really had to cut back on my time in the woods with the wife and my two beautiful girls.

I took him on Sunday at 5 sharp. I hunt about 65 yards off a Rye field. He was pushing a couple does off the other side of the field, made a scrap and headed to me. I know this because my cousin was hunting the field and saw him do this, he just was too far from him. He came through at 25 yards. Stopped to eat some Acorn Rage (not for long though :D). I put it through his front shoulder. I waited about 45 minutes and got down to check for blood. I walked in about 25 yards and said WOW that is a lot of blood. The Rage 2 blade put a hurt on this deer! I guess it helped taking out part of the heart and lung. He traveled about 100 yards and fell over. It only took me 10 minutes to find him because the blood trail was so good. I am impressed with the Rage.

I butchered him up tonight. Backstraps tomorrow:D


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