Scent Control Research (Need your help)

Team Realtree

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Scent & Odor EliminationI've tried everything. Nothing works as well as the newest in odor neutralizing products,"Invisble Hunter." First time I used it, the wind shifted placing my buck directly 20 yards downwind from me. He never lifted his head from eating.The doe on either side of him never lifted their noses either. He is now on my wall! Best new product I have ever used. Good Job boys!

Invisible HunterLabelPic.jpg


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I've tried everything. Nothing works as well as the newest in odor neutralizing products,"Invisble Hunter." First time I used it, the wind shifted placing my buck directly 20 yards downwind from me. He never lifted his head from eating.The doe on either side of him never lifted their noses either. He is now on my wall! Best new product I have ever used. Good Job boys!

Attached Thumbnailsattachment.php?attachmentid=3184&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1239386725

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

1) What brand of scent control apparel are you familiar with? There are so many that don't work but I've heard of these three.

- ScentLok

- NoTrace

- ScentBlocker

2) What is the brand of scent control garment that you have purchased within the last year?

- ScentLok

3) What was the main reason for your selection of this brand?

- Scent Control Performance

4) What type of odor control are you most interested in?

- Adsorption

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  Team Realtree said:
We have a partner in the industry that needs your help. They are doing some research on scent control and want to know what you (the hunter) thinks about it, knows about it, and what your experience with it is.

Ok, here is what I really want scent makers to research. I don't want them researching my spending and buying habits, but rather do a serious body of research on the physics of scent travel, and the physical properties of scent. We have a bunch of people out there trying to sell some pretty expensive products that never seem to indicate that they have done even the most basic investigations into what scent is, and how does it move through natural hunting habitat. Here are some questions I have asked over the years and never got any answers to:

1. How long does scent adhere to the ground, bushes, etc after you have walked through (no scent reducing products used)?

2. if while on stand, the wind reverses and your scent gets briefly broadcast over the trail you are watching, and then goes back to a more favorable direction, have the scent particles attached themselves to features along the trail making it worthless to continue the stand?

3. How effectively does thick brush baffle wind currents and prevent your scent from moving through a thicket? How about other natural barriers, obstructions and land formations?

What is the nature of scent molecules in terms of stickiness? In other words does it stick to brush an branches like a sort of sludge, or is it just something that adheres for a few seconds and then moves on with the wind? We talk about scent, and some even make their living at selling scent products without even knowing the nature of the physical substance or its properties that might make us better understand if and why it should be expected to work and under what conditions.

4. How exactly does atmospheric and meteorological conditions effect the flow of scent. Back when I was smoking, I used to marvel at how there were times when the smoke would almost drop straight down to the ground instead of taking the normal route of staying at the same elevation or even rising. I think that little demonstration was trying to instruct me a bit about scent and its reaction to weather, but there was not one of the scent manufacturers who provided any source of research so I could look it all up and fill in the missing lessons in that educational opportunity.

5. In the absence of air movement, what does scent do. Does it act like a liquid and pool beneath you gradually flowing outward, or does it act like smoke, going straight up? Or is it none of the above but some other scenario. I i variable depending on other conditions such as temperature, humidity, etc.

6. What is it about scent that gets a deer's attention? Why is it that scent can spook a deer into panicked flight at 100 yards in the woods, but yet deer will casually feed right over an area where the family dog has chosen to do it's business which may be within spitting distance of the front door of a house that just minutes before people had walked through?

Do you get the gist of what I am getting at? simple basic items of understanding about scent are still unexplainable mysterys even in this age of technology, and all scent manufacturers can worry about studying is how to get more hunters to buy their products which basically amounts to buying a pig in a poke. Why have I not read a nice long article about the basics of scent in any of the jillion hunting magazines that I subscribe to. Is it because scent salesmen worry more about the demographics of their customers than they do about understanding the basics of their craft? The last thing I remember reading on the subject was an article about a couple of hunters experimenting with studying the path and reactions of smoke as it drifted through various kinds of brushlands and forested habitat. And even that weak, not too scientific study was done over 30 or 40 years ago and has faded into oblivion with no follow-up stronger research. Scent manufacturers have flourished and multiplied wildly since that time and yet the interest in scent basics by these vendors has diminished even further than what it was all those decades ago.

Yes, there are many other little questions regarding scent that come to mind while I am sitting on stand that are not coming to me right now, but it doesn't matter because there is no where to go to get the answers anyway. There is not one scent manufacturer who has bothered to publish any research findings about what makes their products work, why it makes any sense for us to fork over gobs of money to buy their products, or just what the physical characteristics of their products really are so that we can maximize their use.

So, if you are looking for real useful reasearch projects (as determined by the needs of hunters), Perhaps you might delve into some of these and other scent related questions and understand more about the basic nature of your products, and then publish that research so that your consumers can understand the nature and limitations of your products and how best to use them and what realistic expectations they should have from their purchases.


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1) What brand of scent control apparel are you familiar with?

- ScentLok

- ScentBlocker

2) What is the brand of scent control garment that you have purchased within the last year?


3) What was the main reason for your selection of this brand?


4) What type of odor control are you most interested in?

- Don't Care


I still don't believe the hype around these garments. Scent control can be minimized by other means without pricey garments. Activated Carbon is rendered useless after a few hours exposure. If anyone that was in the military knows about chemical/nbc suits, those suits have 100x the carbon in the hunting garments advertised. Those suits are only good for minimal protection for a few hours, enough to get out of the danger zone, once saturated they're useless.

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  • 1 month later...

I think all this scent blocking crap is bologny, I am an absolute FREAAAAK about my scent too, all the way down to brushing my teeth with a scentless toothpaste. But i mean this stuff is just rubbage, hang your gear outside(from your underwear to your flash light) and shower/brush your teeth and tongue religously and youll be fine.

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  • 2 months later...

1) What brand of scent control apparel are you familiar with?

- ScentLok

- ScentBlocker

2) What is the brand of scent control garment that you have purchased within the last year?

- ScentLok

3) What was the main reason for your selection of this brand?

- Brand name

4) What type of odor control are you most interested in?

- Antimicrobial

- Adsorption

I feel like the ScentBlocker does not work all that well. When I'm wearing it there is a strange smell. I think it has something to do with perspiration, but if i can smell it then deer can. As far as ScentLok goes sometimes I think it works and sometimes I think it doesnt. I have been busted by deer when wearing ScentLok even though they advertise not worrying about the wind.

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  Team Realtree said:

1) - ScentBlocker

2) - I don't own any

3) - N/A

4) - absorbent

I wash all my hunting cloths in Baking Soda, and Baking Soda only. I do use a scent spray on my face, neck and hair.

I also like to use a masking scent,in small amounts on my clothing, such as earth scent, along with a little green apple.

I have had many deer come in directly down-wind, that never knew I was there, but were curious of the scents they did smell, and came closer. Green apple scent is really hard to find, and I usually find it in the form of essential oils. It's works well around farmland and semi-residential areas.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

1) What brand of scent control apparel are you familiar with?

- ScentLok

- NoTrace

- VisaEndurance

- X-Static

- ScentBlocker

2) What is the brand of scent control garment that you have purchased within the last year?

- ScentLok

3) What was the main reason for your selection of this brand?

- Scent Control Performance

- Garment styling or features other than scent control

4) What type of odor control are you most interested in?

- Antimicrobial

- Adsorption

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  Team Realtree said:
We have a partner in the industry that needs your help. They are doing some research on scent control and want to know what you (the hunter) thinks about it, knows about it, and what your experience with it is.

If you could briefly reply with answers to the following questions below, we would appreciate it greatly. And please feel free to add additional comments or thoughts. Thanks, S

(Just place the number before each answer)

1) What brand of scent control apparel are you familiar with?

- ScentLok

- NoTrace

- VisaEndurance

- X-Static

- ScentBlocker

2) What is the brand of scent control garment that you have purchased within the last year?

- ScentLok

- NoTrace

- VisaEndurance

- X-Static

- ScentBlocker

3) What was the main reason for your selection of this brand?

- Brand name

- Price

- Scent Control Performance

- Recommendation of a friend or salesperson

- Garment styling or features other than scent control

4) What type of odor control are you most interested in?

- Antimicrobial

- Adsorption

- Don't Care

Scent control is a lot simpler than people (and advertising) make it (and I depend on the sales). First thing, is nothing else matter is the wind isn't right. You can do anything you want and spend 45 minutes at the truck digging your stuff out of a carbon container if it makes you feel more confident. Fact of the matter is the two things you want to do is make sure your wind direction is right, and spray down with a good product to try to get that extra couple steps you may need to get a deer in range.

We sell everything, a good base layer and keeping your clothes clean and bagged, and spraying down is going to do the most your going to get away with (I can hear sponsors withdrawing contracts already). IMHO, don't waste a ton of money, it hour by hour and get you wind right, and you could smell like a landfill and the deer will not pick you up.

My opinion after 20 years, and 150 days a year in the woods. Not saying I'm a pro, but beware of the hype. The decision is whether your intrested in the logos on your gear, or killing deer. (All respect to everyone, just my opinion) we sell all of it.

Whatever your confidant in is what works, everytime.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Below is from a research article by the FBI:

"Human scent has been historically defined as a biological component of decomposing dead skin cells, also known as the skin raft theory (Syrotuck 1972). Scent-dog handlers have relied on this theory, but it has had no supporting scientific basis. Current research suggests that human odor is more complex.

Human Skin Emanation Research for Mosquito Attractiveness

Research has been conducted to determine the components of human odor that is breathed out or is deposited by the skin, not for purposes of specialized canine use, but to identify a mosquito's attraction to human odor. In a study, test subjects transferred their odor by touch onto 2 to 25 2.9mm glass beads. On this small amount of surface area, 346 discernable peaks were detected by cryofocused gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer analyses. All but 43 component peaks were classified and identified (Bernier et al. 2000). "

If you really want to see how hard it is to truly get rid of this thing we call scent, read this article :

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Here is a list of other home remedies that can help the hunter further their scent-free tactics for the hunt.

Body odor can be under control in 3 days by adding 5-10 drops of Rose Water to bath water and soak for at least 15 minutes.Serious body odor can be controlled by adding 3 cups of tomato juice to bath water and soak for at least 15 minutes. It is recommended to rinse and exfoliate after one of these or any bath/shower to rid dead cells off body and then use non-scented soap to finish showering. The following remedies below can also help total body odor.

Bad Breath






·Milk intolerance

·Poor Digestion

·Imbalance of Good and Bad Bacteria in the Gut

·Dental Problems


·Medications like decongestants and diuretics

Changes to Make:

Oral Hygiene

·Brush teeth/tongue and floss

·Get teeth cleaned and cavities filled at dentist

·Use Hydrogen Peroxide as mouth wash

·Brush gums and tongue with powdered cloves or myrrh

·Brush tongue with antibacterial products like chlorhexidine


·Eliminate or reduce high-fat and high-protein foods because they can be hard to digest and give off gas.

·Eliminate acidic foods that create great places for bacterial growth.

·Eliminate or reduce sugars because bacteria feed off the sugar.

·Garlic, onions, and exotic spices (Ex. Curry) can have compounds exhaled for 24 hours in your breath.

·Cut out cheeses (blue, camembert, and Roquefort) and canned tuna and anchovies.

·Cut out acidic drinks like coffee and tea.

·Eat more fruit like kiwi, papaya, and pineapple along with vegetables (green is better).


·Vitamin B & C, along with Zinc can help bad breath.

Digestive System

·Yogurt, Acidophilus, or Bifidus can add beneficial bacteria and improve digestive system.

·Decreasing hydrochloric acid comes with age and can be fixed with taking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before each meal or take betaine or pepsin tablets to help digestion.

·Drink plenty of water.

·Eat plenty of fiber.


·Apple cider vinegar before meals.

·Brush teeth with baking soda or baking soda/hydrogen peroxide paste.

·Take charcoal tablets.

·Gargle hydrogen peroxide or salt water.

·Take alfalfa tablets.

·Chew anise (licorice flavored seed), cardamom, dill, or fennel seeds.

·Take Chlorophyll and/or Spirulina in liquid or tablet form.

·Drink Wheat Grass with water on an empty stomach.

·Eating filberts (hazelnuts) absorbs bad breath.

·Chewing mint, parsley, basil, rosemary, thyme, and wintergreen help bad breath.

·Suck on a lemon with salt on it.

·Dissolve Silicea tablets under tongue twice a day.

Foot Odor


·Soak feet for 30 minutes in 1 teaspoon or Alum and 1 or 2 gallons of water.

·Soak feet in Apple Cider Vinegar with warm water.

·Pour Baking Soda in socks and boots.

·Take Zinc tablets.

Sweaty Hands


·Witch hazel or alcohol wipes wiped on hands will shrink pores and reduce sweating.

·Drink Sage Tea.

·Take Zinc tablets.

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  • 2 months later...

I think this hunting hobbie is getting a little out of hand, we are as bad a golfers in buying anything that comes down the pike. get down wind, put the pointy end of the arrow into the vitals of a deer. No the deer doesn't care if it was going 280 fps. or 175 fps. he is still dead. use a range finder, it helps. get them close, it helps. have fun, it helps. GOD BLESS

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I know all the brands but I don't own any of them. I do buy the Hunter Specialties scent spray and use a ton of it. I basically spray every part of my body with it. Hair, arms, neck, pants boots, under boots, back of pants. I usually spray my armpits and midsectoin too b/c they create scent.

I try to walk to my stand in a slow manner and not prespire. Most of the times I have ever been busted it has been early in the season when it is hot and where I have had to look around for a good tree or not been able to get up high.

My real secret is that once I get settled in I smoke a malboro light about every hour. My theory is that the smoke eliminates the body odor and deer are used to smelling smoke. It disipates throught the woods and sort. I am trying to quite smoking but come deer season you have to go with what works.

As for scent clothing...I would buy if I thought it worked. But I have my doubts.

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  • 5 weeks later...

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