Addct2hntng Posted January 6, 2005 Report Share Posted January 6, 2005 this is crazy I just read my newsletter from the club and humane society and peta joined forces and are using a animal cruelty satute (which is for pets) to get the judge to bann it in 2006 !!!!!!! what is this world coming to? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Addct2hntng Posted January 6, 2005 Author Report Share Posted January 6, 2005 Re: DANE COUNTY WI BANNING Bowhunting as 2006 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
billygoat Posted January 6, 2005 Report Share Posted January 6, 2005 Re: DANE COUNTY WI BANNING Bowhunting as 2006 Never going to happen! If it does...??? no way,,, never going to happen! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LifeNRA Posted January 6, 2005 Report Share Posted January 6, 2005 Re: DANE COUNTY WI BANNING Bowhunting as 2006 I t will happen unless you do something about it!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Finn Posted January 6, 2005 Report Share Posted January 6, 2005 Re: DANE COUNTY WI BANNING Bowhunting as 2006 Scary.... Can we give Madison to Illinois? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Addct2hntng Posted January 6, 2005 Author Report Share Posted January 6, 2005 Re: DANE COUNTY WI BANNING Bowhunting as 2006 I'm still steaming about this I live in dane county and pay taxes and there going to tell me I cant bowhunt. Thats Pure BS!!!!!! things like this show us that as hunters and outdoorsmen we need to stick togther and STOP them from taki8ng away what we enjoy !!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NY911Bowhunter Posted January 6, 2005 Report Share Posted January 6, 2005 Re: DANE COUNTY WI BANNING Bowhunting as 2006 [ QUOTE ] Never going to happen! If it does...??? no way,,, never going to happen! [/ QUOTE ] With all due respect brother - PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE KEISTER! IT CAN AND WILL HAPPEN! If we sit back with that attitude - it is going to happen across the country! Then what?? Get active! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
need2hunt Posted January 6, 2005 Report Share Posted January 6, 2005 Re: DANE COUNTY WI BANNING Bowhunting as 2006 "Sound like fiction? Well part of it is" What does this statement at the end of the article mean? I don't see how they can ban bowhunting and not gun hunting or anything else for that matter... what's it say in the continued part of the artical? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fisherguy Posted January 6, 2005 Report Share Posted January 6, 2005 Re: DANE COUNTY WI BANNING Bowhunting as 2006 I believe it says the whole article is fiction aside form the merger. It is trying to make us aware that the Dane county thing(which i think they said they made up) could happen anywhere. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dodge4x4 Posted January 6, 2005 Report Share Posted January 6, 2005 Re: DANE COUNTY WI BANNING Bowhunting as 2006 im with ya brohter, all these people tryin to take away the thing we love and have worked so hard at! it just makes me mad! its BS! i wuld take this one to court, and get eery single hunter you know with you, wouldnt tah be a site on the steps....the judge is like, "So mr. so and so, who do you have for witnesses that you shuld keep hunting?" you- "well, if youll just look out the door" he lookes out and sees 250+ redneck hunters that are pretty mad and upset with shotguns......that a boy! lol but we could not go that far, but we could put up a pretty good fite if we're goin to lose it.....LOL! LMBO! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ravin R10 man Posted January 7, 2005 Report Share Posted January 7, 2005 Re: DANE COUNTY WI BANNING Bowhunting as 2006 If this was real, we would heard of it by now....You cant form any opinion with only part of that article either. I also believe Wis. passed a right to hunt law not long ago. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strut_Buster Posted January 7, 2005 Report Share Posted January 7, 2005 Re: DANE COUNTY WI BANNING Bowhunting as 2006 This Dane County Judge is notorious for working against sportsmen. He stopped dove hunts twice, said they violated the states constituion. I would believe he would do this. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LifeNRA Posted January 7, 2005 Report Share Posted January 7, 2005 Re: DANE COUNTY WI BANNING Bowhunting as 2006 Animal "Rights" Extremists Look To New Strategies America`s sporting heritage is under attack by animal "rights" extremists who want to ban all hunting, trapping and fishing. Recently, two of the most rabid anti-hunting organizations merged. The Fund for Animals has joined forces with the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) to form an anti hunting cabal with a budget of nearly $90 million. (Note: HSUS isn`t the same group that runs your local shelter, just listen to Wayne Pacelle, CEO of HSUS: "If we could shut down all sport hunting in a moment, we would."-- Associated Press, Dec. 30, 1991.) Until recently, anti-hunters had focused their efforts on winning passage of ballot initiatives and referenda that attacked a specific type of hunting or trapping. This strategy was best explained by Wayne Pacelle himself, "We are going to use the ballot box and the democratic process to stop all hunting in the United States.... We will take it species by species until all hunting is stopped. . . ." Full Cry, October 1990. Early on these attacks had some success. However, as voters become more educated about the true agenda of these groups they have rejected these ballot measures. In 2004, anti-hunting ballot initiatives were defeated in Maine and Alaska. Both measures would have seriously curtailed bear hunting and threatened the scientific bear management in both states. Also in 2004, voters in Louisiana and Montana approved constitutional amendments protecting the right to hunt, fish and trap, and did so by overwhelming margins. There are now eight states that have protected our hunting heritage with constitutional provisions. Now, with their efforts at the ballot box defeated, the anti-hunting groups are taking a page out of the anti-gunner`s playbook. They are turning to the courts. Through the combination of trial lawyers and activist judges they hope to enact policies they have been unable to convince legislatures and voters to accept. In 2004 anti-hunters successfully used this strategy in New Jersey to disrupt a bear hunt that state wildlife officials said was needed to control the population. This new strategy is a major component of the HSUS, Fund for Animals merger. Even before the formal unification of these groups in January 2005, the creation of a new litigation division-The Animal Protection Litigation Section-for the purpose of bringing lawsuits to interfere with hunting and hunter`s rights around the nation was announced. Hunters across the country soon could be at the mercy of activist judges. At very least, it is certain that these lawsuits will tie up valuable dollars of Fish and Game departments in their efforts to fight them. These dollars will come out of the pockets of hunters and will be spent on lawyers and court costs rather than hunter access programs and wildlife management. The anti-hunting movement-like gun prohibition- has enjoyed great success overseas. American sportsmen should take note of the success of these extremists in Great Britain, where centuries of tradition were uprooted when fox hunting was banned by Parliament in 2004. No sooner had the ban been put in effect than the anti-hunters announced that pheasant hunting was next on their list. Just as anti-gunners have used the success of anti-gun movements in Canada, Australia and the England, to legitimize their positions, the animal "rights" extremists view the United States as their next battleground. For sportsmen who believe that the anti-hunters will be placated by the elimination of less popular types of hunting, just look to New Jersey. Emboldened by their successful opposition to the 2004 black bear hunt, New Jersey activists have formed a new organization-The Animal Protection Political Action Committee. The Director of the new groups calls it "the command base for the coming struggle against hunting" and has set a total ban on hunting as his priority. With new groups forming, existing groups combining forces and a host of activist judges waiting to enforce their opinions rather than the law, the threat to America`s hunting tradition has never been greater. Just as the gun ban groups have tried to divide and conquer by targeting certain types of guns and gun owners, the hunt ban groups will target specific forms of hunting and attempt to whittle away at our hunting heritage one step at a time. Now is the time for hunters to stand together and protect our heritage. Posted: 1/6/2005 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Addct2hntng Posted January 7, 2005 Author Report Share Posted January 7, 2005 Re: DANE COUNTY WI BANNING Bowhunting as 2006 [ QUOTE ] You cant form any opinion with only part of that article either. [/ QUOTE ] I guess I forgot to post the rest of it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RyanH Posted January 7, 2005 Report Share Posted January 7, 2005 Re: DANE COUNTY WI BANNING Bowhunting as 2006 I dont think so! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Finn Posted January 8, 2005 Report Share Posted January 8, 2005 Re: DANE COUNTY WI BANNING Bowhunting as 2006 I contacted the Wisconsin Bowhunters Association and they HAVE NOT heard of this. Sounds fishy to me. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bulldawg Posted January 8, 2005 Report Share Posted January 8, 2005 Re: DANE COUNTY WI BANNING Bowhunting as 2006 I'm a life member of Wis. Bowhunters, and would have gotten a heads up about this, if it had been in the works. Wis. Bowhunters is a large member club, and they watch out for our bowhunter rights at the spring hearings, and other high attention meetings, etc. But, having a stronger membership would not be bad either. Check them out for yourselves. It is a great group. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
billygoat Posted January 10, 2005 Report Share Posted January 10, 2005 Re: DANE COUNTY WI BANNING Bowhunting as 2006 [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] Never going to happen! If it does...??? no way,,, never going to happen! [/ QUOTE ] With all due respect brother - PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE KEISTER! IT CAN AND WILL HAPPEN! If we sit back with that attitude - it is going to happen across the country! Then what?? Get active! [/ QUOTE ] Actually, the statement was to sound more of confusion and amazement/bewilderment! I recognize that our rights as hunters and sportsmen can be taken away, and I am active at both the local and state level in preserving the sport. I do respect your comments and hope others will take the time to get active. As other posts have inferred: Had this been FACT, Wisconsin Bowhunters would have gotten wind of it by now. WI has one of the strongest hunting traditions and there would be a huge fight if indeed something like this ever came before the legislature... if in fact it could even make it to the legislature. JMHO as a WI bowhunter Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hoosierhunter Posted January 10, 2005 Report Share Posted January 10, 2005 Re: DANE COUNTY WI BANNING Bowhunting as 2006 If something like this were to happen it certainly would be appealed immediately by proper methods and a class action lawsuit would be very near to follow against Wisc. for depriving people of their rights........... These anti hunters can try things like this and certain tree hugging judges might pass laws into effect in certain areas, but be quite sure that any association with any legal sense would have no problem having this ruling thrown out of court...... It is a huge problem and this type of thing really could happen and this shows that sportsman need to be very conscious about what is going on in the political arena.....As I said, something like this would almost certainly be overturned, BUT it might take several MONTHES to do this....Thus losing a hunting season and that isn't ammunition that we need to give these tree huggers......... Stand up for your rights to hunt, b/c if we don't people will try to take them away....... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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