Maps Topography and aerial

Guest philipwhittaker

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Guest philipwhittaker

Anyone use topography maps or aerial maps to determine great locations to stratigically place stands/blinds etc? Where could I get cheap or home made one off the internet? Any ideas or comments would be great. Thanks guys.

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Google Earth (free version) and Microsoft TerraServer....u can scout saddles, pinch points, hilltop field funnels etc .....without ever leaving the house. I am always sitting at work:D fiddling with it. I love to find out of the way public land and try new set-ups.

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I got a topo map of our land back in 2000. It has helped tremendously in helping find those deer funnels.

We set up stands by those funnels and while many deer get passed on, it is still a hot spot when they get moving.

I used

The map is custom printed for you on that weather proof durable paper. I think I paid like $14.95. They start at $9.99.

Its a good deal.

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Too bad the birds eye view did not work here. Zoomed in from that link here and it goes to the same old terra server map that we have viewed for some time from 1997.

Too bad man, they're pretty sweet.

They have them at my house, and their photos are so good I could go back and tell you the day they flew over my house.

I was building a back porch last winter and it took me 3 days. Based on the lumber piled on the trailer, they had to have flown it on the Saturday.

The technology out there is both amazing and worrysome.


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Here's something else you can try.

Do a property or tax map search for the county in which you hunt. In some cases there is a link on the county's homepage. The two counties I hunt here in Virginia both work off of geographic information systems. They can be accessed by anyone and allow me to search for a particular property by name, address, or other search criteria. Once I identify the property I'm interested in, it will list information such as the landowner, contact information, acreage, etc. After you zoom in close enough, the program allows you to overlay the property maps with aerial photos.

This is a really good tool for finding out who owns a particular piece of property you've been drooling over for years.

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