Does anyone else feel


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That liberal democrats want this country to turn socialist? This child medical care thing is getting under my skin.

I call their mindset the "toilet paper line" ideal. sickening. This country was built on people taking care of themselves and each other, and the government only assisted those who absolutely could not, maybe.

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That's the Dems for you. BIG government, BIG taxes, and little power for the people. That's the ONLY way for them to stay in power, get as many people dependent on government hand outs.

For examples;

$5000 baby bond

$1000 match for your 401k

and on

and on

and on

And I almost forgot the $1 TRILLION TAX INCRESE

But this is only my $.02

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as far as BIG gov't, no ones created a bigger gov't than bush or taken away more rights than bush. Dems and Repub parties are both pathetic. Neither one is deserving of a vote. I think the only chance "we the people" have is Ron Paul. A guy who thinks for himself and doesnt tow the party line.

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The political left in America was formerly embodied by the Communist Party USA, but since about 1950 it has slowly taken control of the once proud Democratic Party. Until the Reagan Revolution, I considered myself a Democrat. But after seeing that great man in action, I knew where the best hope for the future of our country rested, and that was with honest conservatism. So, I've faithfully supported the most conservative candidate for office, regardless of party. Today, that candidate is almost always a Republican. And especially during the last 8 years, with the huge influx of cash to Democrats from the likes of George Soros and Michael Moore, we see more and more anti-American influence driving the Democrat's agenda. Remember, it was George Soros who said in June 2006 "the main obstacle to a just and stable world is the United States."

And this is the money and influence behind today's Democrat Party.

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The political left in America was formerly embodied by the Communist Party USA, but since about 1950 it has slowly taken control of the once proud Democratic Party. Until the Reagan Revolution, I considered myself a Democrat. But after seeing that great man in action, I knew where the best hope for the future of our country rested, and that was with honest conservatism. So, I've faithfully supported the most conservative candidate for office, regardless of party. Today, that candidate is almost always a Republican. And especially during the last 8 years, with the huge influx of cash to Democrats from the likes of George Soros and Michael Moore, we see more and more anti-American influence driving the Democrat's agenda. Remember, it was George Soros who said in June 2006 "the main obstacle to a just and stable world is the United States."

And this is the money and influence behind today's Democrat Party.

Your leading candidate (and in my mind the most likely winner a year from now) said she was going to take away your money and tax breaks for the COMMON GOOD. Need I say more?

Unfortunately, had Hillary came along 50 years ago she would have been tried and convicted of subversive behavior. Now she is electable. Why? Partly, I think, is the rapidly rising price of cars and homes compared to salary. Most people are finding it harder to make ends meet and provide a higher standard of living to their children than their parents gave them. Secondly, the female vote. The female vote has historically been emotionally based and targeted towards security. Lastly, most Americans are ignorant of civics, the intended form of government, and are largely educated by the liberal media.

The American public, some out of desperation and some out of laziness, are looking for a government that is increasingly responsible for their day to day lives. Give me entitlements or give me checks seems to be the montre these days instead of 'give me liberty or give me death'.

I believe it was Jefferson that worried about the voters being able to vote themselves money from the treasury as a great threat to our government. Essentially that their vote could be bought. We are there.....the welfare rolls, social security recipients, and now the illegal aliens......more than 50% of Americans get a SIGNIFICANT portion of their income from the government. Do you think they will vote for the conservative who is seeking to decrease the size of government or the liberal who is promising them more benefits. The problem--just like the argument between GA, AL, and FL over water--once the water (or in this case money) is one gets anything. We are going to spend ourselves out of business just like the Soviet Union did in the 80's.

Welcome to the new America Komrad!


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can anyone point out for me the difference between what the dems are doing and pushing, versus what the marxist doctrine says? it's the exact same playbook. as for hillary, just read her book "it takes a village". pure & simple communism.

but, as hillary herself said, "it hasn't been run by the right people yet". yea, right

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can anyone point out for me the difference between what the dems are doing and pushing, versus what the marxist doctrine says? it's the exact same playbook. as for hillary, just read her book "it takes a village". pure & simple communism.

but, as hillary herself said, "it hasn't been run by the right people yet". yea, right

You got it.

With people being educated by the government and all the PC nonsense that goes on there....first step to communism a la Marx's doctrine.

Next, you have a highly distracted people. There are 1,000 things pulling your time.

Next, we have a fairly affluent society (relatively speaking). People who are fat and happy tend to pay less attention.

Lastly, we have an ignorant population with respect to our government and current events especially. Most can tell you who won American Idol or who is hosting SNL but can't tell you who the Secretary of State is.

Wost of all, we have the "I don't care how bad service is, I just don't want to be responsible for my __________ (retirement, healthcare, education, job).


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