Guest deadeye270

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Guest deadeye270

Here is the story...Went during lunchtime to a local proshop with an indoor range to shoot with a couple of co-workers/friends. One friend was a guy who just got into bowhunting (got his first bow this christmas). This was the first time he has ever shot and was doing good for his first time. We got him sighted in and he is shooting 5-6in groups at 20yds. Not bad in my opinion for a first-timers.....Well.... on the last round of the day he shoots four arrows and creates a perfect square around the bullseye...and me, just trying to be funny tried to plant one right in the middle 12 ring (I was shooting pretty good today)...but... I torqued the grip just a hair and sent my arrow directly through the nock and halfway down the shaft of my buddys brand new arrows!! I actually never felt so bad to do something so rare!! Oh well, that my second one in two years, just thought I would share the story.

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