Any interest in a archery mulie hunt?


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I was wondering if anyone was interested in a mule deer archery hunt in Colorado. There are some huge mulies in the backcountry where the this outfitter is located. I wanted to go with my brother but it seems as if he can not go. The web site for the outfitter/guide is

Give jay a call to find out more info. We hunted elk there last year and saw many nice bucks, but did not have a mule deer tag. If someone is interested, pm me so we can talk!!!!

If we do it we will need to book asap. CO is draw only but there is usually leftover tags, so drawing a liscense will not be an issue. The cost is $2900, and is a wilderness pack in trip. 8 full days, 1 day on each end for the travel in and out of the wilderness and 6 full days of hunting!!!!!

It should be a great trip, the tags are either sex, so you can shoot a doe if all else fails. The opening is the first week for archery mulies, It is arpound Aug 27 - sept 4. I will check these dates again and update this post. The deer will still be in velvet!!!!


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