Cell phones....newest hunting toy....errr tool


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So how many of you have began taking your cells to the tree lately and find yourself text messaging and playing online while in the stand??? I'm so guilty of this lately. I constantly find myself checking on the other hunting buddies I have, and talking to my girl and checking the forums lol. Seriously though, I think it is kinda beneficial to know when the general movement is taking place. Hutch and I have been helping each other get ready for movement when we see deer begin to move.

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is it really? well we don't tell each other when deer are coming cause we don't hunt near each other, but we just tell each other when we see movement. That way we both know they are out and about....is that illegal???

In Ohio it is. Might not be down there. This was, and has been a big battle in the Ohio legislature over the years. I like the cell for safety purposes, but the DNR argues that it gives hunters an unfair advantage, which is probably true.

Either way, I think it would be very difficult to police not allowing hunters a cell phone while hunting.

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i live in ohio and if they ever make hunting with cell phones illegal i will be very upset...ur cellphone is your number 1 safety tool while hunting if you get hurt or lost or whatever you have the ability to call a buddy and get help....even if its illegal in the future im still taking it so arrest me....i never go into the woods without a cell phone

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I always have my phone with me for safety reasons, but never really play on it while hunting. It is also illegal in Georgia to use a cell phone or radio to aid in hunting game.

This is how it is written:

Under "It is unlawful to:"

-Use electronic communications equipment to aid in the pursuit of game.

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I go to my tree (hunting) to get AWAY FROM THOSE THINGS. Do I take it for safety reason?? You bet. However, it stays turned off.

I think the beauty of being outdoors is being entertained by the beauty of nature. Whether it be the squirrels, birds, chipmunks, coyotes or deer. I never find myself bored while out there whether it is 60 and sunny or 10 and snowy and "I hope that day never comes".

Just my thoughts.

good luck to all

the dog

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Nope, I don't get service where I hunt. :D

Probably wouldn't take it in the woods with me anyway. When I hunt with a group we all carry FRS radios to communicate with eachother. It is also illegal here in Ontario to use them to aid in the hunt. The only time we usually turn them on is if we hear one of us shoot, then we know if we need to go help etc.

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