Plaque Question?


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Use rubber latex gloves and skin off hair scalp. Place skull in shallow pan of water with some washing soda and simmer outside until meat and grease comes off. Simmer, do not boil. Keep antlers out of solution. If you have access to a power washer. Power wash instead of the simmer process. Washing soda is sold in the laundry detergent isle and is made by Armor & Hammer. I repeat do not do this process inside of the house on stove top.

Good Luck.

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Whatever you do don't use bleach on the skull. It is an acid and it will deteriorate the bone. If you wish to whiten the skull after the boiling and such. Use hair dressers peroxide, white if you can get it. Use gloves and use caution, this stuff can burn too. Make a paste with the washing soda and peroxide, brush it on and let it dry. Then wash it off after letting it sit a day or too. WALAA! Bone white bone.

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