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So I didn't get back from college until almost 5pm due to having random skills testing in nursing..only the most nerve racking thing ever. Anyway I decided even though I'd only have about an hour or so of light left, I'd take a walk to chill out and go try to find Andy's deer. Sadly I didn't find it....searched up and down a creek a little bit, searched in the woods, thick stuff, etc... But I did find something cool. I cut down through the woods, about 100 yards or so behind the climber, and as I'mwalking along, I look over on this small bank and I see a skeleton, then it looks like antlers sticking up!:eek: I go over look what I found, this cool buck! Sadly, I wouldn't be surprised if he got shot at last fall by our dumb neighbors who do drives and shoot at running deer. His rack is in beautiful shape though, no chews, a few faint marks where something bit on the tips, but that's it! If he'd made it another year, he had the makings of a cool split sticker thing at the base of his right antler. It's cool! Think I could try a European mount with it?



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