Human Urine?!?!


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Guest adrenaline_junky

I've had success with it. Went out of my stand one time and a buck come up an hour later and started a scrape on it. I don't think i would use it as part of my arsenal though.

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Yep, I was one of those guys who would have a big jug hanging from my treestand, to pee in all the time, and when it got full, I'd empty it outside the area somewhere. :D:D

I heard guys talking in here years ago about deer not being spooked by human urine, so one season, I just left the ol' jug at home, and started peeing from my stand instead. One day, I had this buck, walk in, not 3 or 4 minutes after I peed. I mean, it was still steamin...LOL...and he walked right under my stand and stuck his nose right in it. Heck, he wasn't alarmed in the least. That convinced me. :D:D

That why I love this forum. Even an old dog, can learn new tricks :D

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a friend of mine here in WV uses....ummm...things that are his wife's...he only can get them once a month....and he has good success with then when the time is right. I will NOT do that, but i just figured i would add that in there...if you look at the chemistry of urine, there isnt much difference between ours and theirs....

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a friend of mine here in WV uses....ummm...things that are his wife's...he only can get them once a month....and he has good success with then when the time is right. I will NOT do that, but i just figured i would add that in there...if you look at the chemistry of urine, there isnt much difference between ours and theirs....

I can only image the chat when he asked for THAT :eek:

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With all the emphasis on eliminating human odor, don't know why anyone would want to use human urine.:confused:

Because most hunters know that human urine does not scare deer off. During the rut, human deer can be just as effective as deer urine. I think our sweat and/or the smell of us is what needs to be eliminated, not our urine;) Just my past experience;)

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a friend of mine here in WV uses....ummm...things that are his wife's...he only can get them once a month....and he has good success with then when the time is right. I will NOT do that, but i just figured i would add that in there...if you look at the chemistry of urine, there isnt much difference between ours and theirs....

Uh, ok? I think I'll try that right after the "still steamin' Buck semen" that I saw a few years ago. Some ideas are just better left in the brain.:eek:

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I have been taught my whole life never to take a leak anywhere near your hunting areas...

Cause they probably didn't want you to shoot a deer:D

John F...actually I have heard of the woman thing before. I couldn't tell you if it works or not but I have heard of that. I guess it just boils down to what the deer are in the mood for that day;):D...maybe try taking a poop, that may work...but make sure you eat corn the night before:D

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