2007 Wyoming Hunts (picture heavy)


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Well so far this year has been pretty good to everybody. As of today we sit with one unfilled elk tag with a little time to still hunt over thanksgiving break.

We started off the year August 16th the day after opening day for archery antelope. My room mate Shane and I made the trip up to his family ranch looking for a couple pope and young goats. The hunt ended up pretty uneventful thanks to rain that didnt help the water hole situation and alot of unsuccesful stalks. So we left empty handed.

The first week of September on the other hand brought some good fortune. Shane and good buddy Ryan T. flew back up and stayed for 9 days and got some work done. Ryan started it off the second evening by shooting this nice full velvet 5X5 pope and young whitetail that grosses 137 and some change.



A couple days later Shane followed up by arrowing a nice 4X4 muley with browtines. He should also make pope and young.



So needless to say September was pretty good for those boys. Now October has come around and it is time for rifle seasons. My other room mate Jon was the first to draw blood on this 9 day trip. He arrowed a beautiful wide 5X5 pope and young whitetail from the same stand Ryan had shot his from just a month before. We havent gotten a score on this one but we are guessing him to net in the mid 130's.






Ryan S. also killed a nice 160 class muley this evening but I do not have any pictures of it right at this moment I will have to add them at a later date.

So two days later after Jon and Ryan shot their deer we had a run in with a 190"+ typical and a 180" with a 10" drop tine first thing in the morning. We spent all morning trying to get on those two deer. Jon, Ryan and I were on the spotting scopes giving signals to Shane and Jay on the mountain. Those two deer ended up getting over the ridge on us where we couldnt see them anymore. We tried to move into better position and relocate them but we were stuck because of some elk moving up the draw. By the time we got over to the other side of the draw to relocate Shane and Jay were slowly stalking along on the other side of the ridge. Just as I got my spotting scope set up I saw the two deer spook back over the ridge and high tail it all the way up to the peak of the mountain. So after licking our wounds we headed back to the cabin for a little lunch.

On the way out we were glassing some flats looking for some antelope so I could hopefully fill my tag. We spotted a nice buck in the spotting scopes over a mile away and decided to take a closer look. After a little driving, stalking, and about a hundred yards of belly crawling we were in position behind two bushes looking at the buck laying down exactly 350 yards away. His does that were with him finally started to move off so he got up to follow and took a few steps to the right. I sent the first shot on the way and clipped the bush on the right just slightly and hit him in the gut. I quickly moved to the left just a bit, racked in the second shell, and squeezed off the second round. This time I scored a perfect shoulder shot and dropped him in his tracks. I am so pleased with my first antelope and can't wait to get him back from the taxidermist.





Since I shot the antelope we had a little work to do. We got him dressed, caped, skinned the rest of the way, and in the cooler by 2:30. Just in time to get a quick bite to eat and head back over to the mountain and try to find the two giants again. We werent able to get back on them that evening, but they were spotted about a half mile away right at dark that evening so they never went far. We did get on a really nice wide 4X4 that Jay elected to take. So after a short stalk and a very nice shot, we had one more really nice animal in the bag.



Shane spent pretty much his whole time guiding us guys and only got to elk hunt for two days. He wasnt able to fill his tag but will be going back over thanksgiving break to try and finish up. If so this is gonna be a hard year to beat. Thanks everybody for looking at my really really long post!


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Thanks Steve. That was mine and Jay's first trip out west with the rest of those guys. Needless to say we are already planning next years hunt. I know you do alot of antelope hunts. What do you think he scores?

wow. put me on the spot why don't you???:D he's a great buck to start with. antelopes ears are 7 1/2". if the bottom of the paddles are above the top of his ears as he's looking at you, you have an excellent buck. this buck does not. he has pretty good mass, but a bit small on paddles (prongs). he looks to be 12 3/4" tall, so i'm going to go 70 b&c. did you get him scored yet?

again, a great buck for a first one. life is good:)

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No I havent had him scored yet he is at the taxidermist already so I wont see him again till probably february. Im gonna think your guess is pretty close though since I measured him at 12 6/8 and 12 3/8 if I did it correctly... which I think I did. I appreciate your guess on him cause people around here in okie land keep askin me and I really had no idea what to tell them. :D

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