Saskbrute and Superguid_jr connect once again


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Once again superguid jr and i track down another brute. friday after school i was just goin to head out and get a doe but quarter to 4 i get a call from superguid jr sayin lets go get u a buck buddy. so i go get superguid and we head out. ty sets me up on a bush line over looking this loggin area and as im sittin there superguid goes over to the other end of this loggin area thinkin he would sent push a narly ole buck out fer me. i was only sitten there for about 10 min after ty left and bucks just start funneling out exactly where ty said they would. after the 9th buck came out then this guy steped out and i new right away that this buck was a shooter. it was about a 150 yrd shot but thats nothin the ole 270 coulnt handle so i put the cross ars on him and down he went all thanks to super guid jr:D




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