The weeks hunts..long read


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Well this week started off looking awesome I had Monday, Tuesday, and Wensday off work and have to work there Saturday night but out for a morning hunt until work.

Monday I get in stand and saw 6 doe no shots. Tried to stock on one on the way out made it into about 35 yards getting ready to take a shot had mud all over my pants from going in on my knees little did I know there was 2 doe instead of just 1 and got busted by the one I didn't see. First hunt on Grandma's farm this year was a bust. That after noon I decided to change tatics well really just went back out to the farm and climbed in for a long hunt the rest of the day. Didn't start seeing any deer until about 5 seen 3 doe no shots once again. Then finally I had a buck walk in range turned out to be a spike could have shot him broadside 17 yards but past up the shot.:rolleyes: Then I had 2 doe walk in on me looked to be yearlings couldn't have wieghed more than 60 pounds didn't take the shot either of them gave me multiple times.

Tuesday I got out that morning to hunt had to be out of the woods no later than 1 to put new tires on my car and change the oil. Bust no luck at all the action was horrible I think I seen 1 deer the whole morning.

Wensday night had a change in plans and had to take my little bro trick or treating. Was kinda ticked off about that but turned out the weather wasn't to good after all.

Saturday me and dad go in and are in our stands about 25 mintues before day light there was a full moon there Friday night and not a cloud in the sky so I wasn't to sure how the hunting was going to be. Didn't see a deer all morning until around 930 it was walking up the hill towards me. At first glance I thought it was a doe an grabbed my bow and stayed seated ready for a shot to be given.(Friday night I was cleaning a grill and burned my hand post in lounge) I got to about half draw on this so called doe and it turns out to be a button buck!!! My hand was hurting from the burn and pulling my bow back and its not even a doe. No it wasn't the biggest deer in the world but a nice sized young doe so I thought. That is how my week of hunting ended nothing I thought it was going to be and nothing I had hoped for.

This is the Saturday before I saw 5 bucks and 6 doe. 3 of the bucks were checking doe and running them out the ridge from me. As I was trying to get a shot on a 6pt he charged another buck I couldn't see and over the hill they went. Dang was I mad he was a nice nice big bodied deer I was hoping to play a little string music to but that didn't happen. The last decent buck I saw was another 6pt he ran 3 doe up the holler to me and 1 beded down about 45 yards from me the other went out the ridge and the one just walked right up and over into the next holler. He is 40 yards infront of me no shots and stops and starts thrashing on a tree. He grunts a couple times so I do the same back once. He stops takes a couple steps up towards me still behind a tree looks down the hill at the doe walking and takes off down to her. Dang another one out of the question.:eek::eek:

The last deer I saw was a spike walks right down a trail towards me gives me a perfect broadside shot and walks right infront of me allowing plenty of shot chances and I pass on all of them.

One last thing to top all things off. I was sitting there Saturday morning and here comes this deer running down the trail towards me I notice it is a spike as well so I don't even bother to grab my bow. Then I see the dreded arrow sticking out of its butt. With no time to think I grab my bow and getting ready for a shot he walks right behind me and I try to get him to stop but he won't I couldn't get a shot in on him.:mad: Man was I mad not at the guy who shot it first even tho it ticked me off because yes that sucks but because I couldn't take that deer out of its suffering. I think it went over ther holler and bedded down and died tho.

Ok guys I'm done rambling sorry about that just had to tell you how its been this week. From the highs to the lows.

Been having an amazing season this year even tho I haven't filled either of my tags yet but the time will come.

Good luck in the field.:D

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Are you trying to get a book published Arrow?? LMBO I thought this may end up being a 2 page post! lol I know how ya feel Arrow. So far for my season Ive been close to a deer kill about 3 times and have come up emty so far! If close was a race I would be in first place!!! lol I hope ya get one soon friend!!

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