Turkeys and snow??


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So no luck yet with turkeys, just can't seem to get on them. I go where they are and they aren't there, then wehre I'm not, they are:confused::( Guess that's hunting.

What I'm wondering is, for any of you who've fall turkey hunted and had snow on the ground, what has been your experience? Andy always tells me the turkeys go nuts when snow is on the ground. I know it makes it alot easier to find where they are traveling.

Weather forcast is calling for some snow this week, mainly Tuesdy/Wednesday. I'm guessing we may have a little bit on the ground Wednesday morning, so I'm thinking of hunting then. Not sure if I should focus on fields or try to find tracks in the snow and ambush/scatter them.

What are your suggestions?

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Guest HoppeMan

You put off turkey hunting for a haircut?????? :eek::eek::eek::eek: That's sacreligeous!!! (I'm sure I didn't spell that right, btw)

LOL, anyway, I have never hunted them in the snow, but last year going deer hunting in the snow, wearing bright orange, I could walk up to the turkey from 40 yards away before they saw me, I guess it was a case of snow-blindness LOL :D:D

Take care,


P.S. I know how you feel about the turkey being where you aren't, I'm experiencing the same thing right now :confused::confused:

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