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I've shot Brenneke's and didn't have any luck at all. I shoot Winchester slugs and have great success. They are out of a rifled barrel though. Like everyone said, buy a few boxes of different brands and see which ones shoot the best out of that gun. Every gun will shoot a slug different, just have to see which type shoot best out of your gun ;)

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GOOD, I love these kind of Posts cause this is something i know so dont go out and buy expensive sabbots because u dont have a rifled barrel so they will make NO noticible difference with your gun,.....You want to shoot a traditional style the remington slugger, or the federal traditional slugs, u want a full boar sized slug with rifling cut on the side of it...this rifling will aid in causing the bullet to twist wile traveling down the barrel and give u a better pattern, my dad fires remington sluggers and has take deer accuratly out to 80yards or so out of his smoth bore 12 gage.

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