~your hunting knives~


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OK, what is everyone favorite hunting knife?

Here's mine


The hunting knife is as old as me and you'll never convince me that there's a better knife on the market today.

My dad has a couple of those knives. They are US made Schrade knives. The one in the pic dad actually found when I was little in the road, if you look at the end of the handle you see some deep scrathes, that's from it getting run over a few times. Can your knife hold up to that? Also it holds a edge very well, and I love the way it feels.

The other is my pocket knife, Uncle Henry 3 blade, also US made. I have had it for probably 10 years

So, lets see yours

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I don't have any picks,but I have an older Case 2 blade folder that was my dads.It's about 5" with the blades folded in.This baby will hold an edge like you wouldn't believe.I had a close call gutting a deer a few years ago when the blade just about closed on my fingers,so now I use a lock blade or wyoming knife,but they need sharpened between uses.

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And I keep my knives sharp..........Very sharp. I use a Lansky sharpening system with the Saphire Polishing hone to take it down to scary sharp...........I used it on my buddies doe this year and it cut right thru the chest plate all the way up to the esophagus with the regular knife blade.

Lansky system


Super Saphirre Polishing Hone.......


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I have several.....

Puma fixed with a gut hook, I like it a lot.

Beretta folding knife...large airlight. I like it but don't like gutting with it because goop gets in the liner.

A Browning that I got from RMEF....a really cool knife.

A couple of others.

I just got a Camillus Sizzle (small pocketknife) from cabelas for $17.


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I clean arond 40 deer by the end of the year. I completly process each one. So i keep few knives on hand till this past year. Ive got 6 cutco knives that re complelty serated and 3 bucks that are doubled edged. They usally get dull after about 5 deer. My huntung buddy last year had me a custom dozer built. I cleaned over 30 deer with it and all ive done is rub on a stone a few times. I pulled it out back in october and ran it across my finger nail and it sliced it good. I know stupid.

Any one thats into knives get a dozer

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  • 2 weeks later...

These are 2 knives that I carried this year hunting.The one on the left is a knife that someone had made from a big saw mill blade.Handle is bocote and osage.Blade is scary sharp.The orange handled knife is a Bark River.It has a 2.5" blade is probably one of the finest knives I've ever owned.A buddy of mine is making me a new custom sheath for it


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