Shot Big 9 pt - Need some advice


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Shot a big 9 pt at 7:40 this morning!! He bolted as I shot, and the arrow struck him to far back. He ran off with his tail tucked, stopped, and then walked slowly up the hill. Arrow has blood, bile/stomach contents, and white hair on it. The shot was from a pretty steep angle. There were blood splatters where he was hit, but I didn't find much of a trail right around the shot area. I backed out without spooking him, and I am going to wait.

The question that I have is, assuming this was a gut shot, how long should I wait before going to recover him? I thought that I'd wait until at least 4:00 this afternoon. Will this be enough time?

Thanks in advance for you advice. Hopefully, I find him because he is nice!!!:(

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First off - Welcome to the Realtree forums.

White hair, gut, a little blood - you hit him low in the gut, no question.

I'd leave him over-night also. He's not going to die any time soon, but will eventually get some bad infections, no doubt.

He will lay down, as soon as he feels safe and lay there for a few days, until he either expires, gets sick and expires in a few weeks, or heals up.

Go in tomorrow, take your time, as if you were still hunting, and you will find him laying down, weak, but still alive.

Don't forget your weapon of choice. ;)

It's the best advice I can give you.

I went in and finished off a small buck one year for my handicapped buddy, who was unable to get into the bush. It was 2 days after he shot it, but I found it laying there, weak, but alive. I arrowed it, and it got up and ran a few steps, then fell over. My buddy was really glad to get his deer, because he knew it wasn't going to survive. :(

It was the ethical thing to do on my part.

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How cold does it get there at night....if it gets cold, like Illinois, then he is dead by morning.....follow his blood, the exact trail you seen him on, and he will go about 100 yards before his final nap...if it gets real cold at night, go about 7am tommorrow and recover him....once the temps drop, and he has lost blood, and bile, then his body temp goes down as well, and he dies from shock...its natures way of ending his suffering....the shot you made, it happens to all of us, congrads in advance, I feel you will find him in the

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