good day


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finally I broke my 4 coyote day for the year, I ended up with 6,and 2 fox, 5 coyotes and 1 fox were called, the other two shot while going into stands, I also missed 3 more today, had a pair come in and stop at 300, one started to circle and came out at I figured 300 downwind, I put the crosshairs on the top of her hair and I seen fur fly out of her top, just grazed her, next one was one I should not say lol, as I was leaving a stand I seen one coming from behind, I only had a standing freehand shot, I clean missed at 200 yards, last one I missed was a second out of a double, I had a 200 yard runnign shot just as he got into a slough, all 3 would of been dead If I was having a good day, but no complaints, I did get one double, the afternoon was great, I never called in one coyote from 730 am to 1145, then one at 11.45, and next double at 1230, from then on it was non stopped action!Th coolest thign happened tonight at about 5, I seen a coyote crossing a big dry slough 3/4 mile away, I drove the truck abotu 4 miles around and parked and walked in 500 yards or so, set up so if he came up either of the 2 draws I would get a shot before he could get downwind, within 3 minutes he is coming up the one in front of me, he stopped at 500 yards,one more squall and he wa son his way, he crossed a fenceline at 75 yards, as he did I sat up and got the gun on the shooting sticks set on him, I barked, nothing, barked again,he was not stopping, he wa slooking right at me and mouth open running, I did not want to hit him through the head couse the angle would rip his neck fur, I waitedand kept barking, finally no choice, boom, he rolled 3 times and landed 4 ft from me, he was less then 5 yards on the dead run when I hit him, I really wonder what would of happened if I did not shoot, I think he would of attacked me, I have called thoasands of coyotes and never one like this, I skinned him and he did have asore on his rear thigh with some puss,but he was the fattest coyote I got today, no idea what was going on but really awsome!!here si a pic in front of my skinning shed!



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Congrats on a good day calling Bret. We are seeing more coyotes out on the move, but so far calling them in has been real tough. I haven't quite figured out what the deal is just yet. Gasoline hit $3.05 a gallon here today so I figure if coyotes are stilling bringing what they did last year ($1.00 to $6.00) its going to take several huge truck loads to even consider breaking even. Sure is a good thing that calling in these critters is alot of fun!!!:D:D:D

Keep up the good work Bret!!!

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over 4 a american gallon here cap, average day is 40-60 bucks gas, depending on were I go, If I go to my good spots it is closer to 100 seeign its 70-80 miles away, I save that spot for after deer season in jan, pelts a bit better and a bit hungrier, usually get 8-10 a day over there, our buyer figured they will be down to abotu 30 average this year, he is worried the market might fall becouse china has increased there ranch fox fur over 20% in the past year, I know not coyote but still trim that can be died what ever color they want!not good news but if it does I will still be out there, I will be tannign them myself and holding till they go up, might have 500 coyotes pelts in the basement but I know I would never get cold lol!!worse comes I can always use them for insulation in this old house, I bet a house wrapped in hides would be really warm, plus might even get a visit for foxworthy lol!!

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