I am having a problem....HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I used to shoot 3-d, but got out due to me not having enuf money to feed my habit....but Now i just shoot for hunting, which is fine for me but anyways...I shoot an 07 Bowtech Commander, fuse stabilizer, trophy taker drop away, and an extreme sight....My problem is, I consistantly settle in on my target high....like at 20 yards my 30 yd pin is perfectly sitting where i want the arrow to go, and i always have to fight to get it right, and it goes on up all the way to the 50 yd pin..... i know its not mental, i will close my eyes after i center the pin, calm myself and open to find out that my 30 yd pin is hovering right in the x ring....Am i sick?? is there something i can do...my draw length is correct, i have good form, I shoot with guys who are nationally ranked and they say my form and everything are fine....so what the heck am i doing wrong?????

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Guest J-Daddy

Yup it's the most dreaded target panic...It's a hard sickness to beat but it can be done. Talk to some of your PRO buddies they should be able to give you some advice to overcome it.

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i use a BT with a safety. its a carter Solution 2. but Bt isnt the whole answer. proper shooting form and a bow that is dead on in draw length, draw weight and balenced properly are also needed.

once you get proper shooting form, then shot execution comes into play. this is how you activate the shot. as long as it a surprise each time and you do it the same way each time is ok.

once you get these other things into play, then comes mental game. this is by far the hardest to overcome due to the fact that a person can say hold the bow like this or hold your release like that. but they cant say think like him or her.

posting a picture of you at full draw on a shoulder level target will provide a lot of information for us to give suggestions on how to improve your shooting form.

Shoot Strong


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