Grandsons First Deer!!! (updated W/pics)


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Well this years goal ended on opening day. My grandson got his first deer. We started working on his stand a few months ago. I bought a two man ladder stand that we put up and cut out some good shooting lanes on our lease. His other grandpa got him a single shot .243 and we took it a few weeks ago and shot so he could get used to it. Then last week we took the NC hunters safety course so we were ready. We got i a stand yesterday about 6 AM and hadn't seen anything but a few squirrells. About 9:15 he tapped me on the leg and said it's a spike. The way it came in I couldn't see it. The whole time he kept whispering what was going on, telling me what it was doing. I asked him if he could see the shoulder and he said he could see the whole deer but there was some small trees in his shot line and he wanted to wait for a good shot. This went on for about 10-15 minutes and it finally stepped into the clear and one shot and it was down! I never seen the deer the whole time until right before he shot. I was so proud of him you have no idea! Not bad for an 11 year old. Anyways, enough bragging, I'll get some pics posted after while! Take your kids hunting because you don't know what your missing!!!:D




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