understanding calls, and baiting question


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Is there a good video or anywhere that has any good information on making out what different yote calls mean or understanding them better? I have a Randy Anderson video that is pretty good for learning how to call, but does not explain really what calls mean which is really something I would like to learn more about.

This morning just about an hour before it was light had a yote howling up beside the house, just inside the woods, had to have been within 40-50 yards of the house, heard a few others within a fairly close distance barking and yipping, all could be heard from inside the house. Dont know if they had something down, or what. I know there is one that has been hanging around, have gotten several pics of a really good sized yote, think most pics are likely of the same one maybe???

We did leave guts and a carcass from the deer we killed last weekend(dumped it all Sunday the 4th) where we could see them out the back windows, but the carcass was gone within 2 days, dragged off whole. Possbile I guess that might have been what the yote up beside the house was howling about?

Another question, the check in station, the guy there told my wife that a good way to draw them is to hang a carcass just in there reach where they can get the back legs, but not get it down. Seems I asked about that in here years ago and someone said it would not work that yotes were too smart, but the guy at the check in station told my wife that the yotes would come to it in daylight and would hang around, any thoughts?

Posted a thread in the photo room http://www.realtree.com/forums/showthread.php?t=65108 with several pics, just pulled these off yesterday.



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Randy Anderson mastering the art predator calling instructional DVD is the only one I know of that helps give you a better understanding of the calls.

Hanging a carcass is the only way I would use bait. If you don't the buzzards and the coyotes would eat it or drag it off before you know it.

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I actually got a few cassette tapes I got with calls a few years back, it really goes through the sounds of the howls and distress calls, pm me your addy I will send a couple your way, I really enjoy watching Les Johnson call, I just really enjoy him, you can watch all his shows on predator quest, there is about 25 episodes,Other than that I wish I could help more, Quinton Wagoner helped me alot with howling, right now the howling is not to effective, seems to scare the pups, I only use the howler now for distress sounds pup¸if no responce to the prey sounds!in a month or so I will use the howler on every stand, and in late dec, jan use it mainly, hardly ever a distress, work there territorial thinking,^they get call shy a bit after deer season and they respond to invitation howls and different mating howls better than food, at least ehre they do in the open country, good luck

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