...Need some prayers.


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I need some prayers guys and gals... let me explain.

A little over 3 weeks ago my girlfriend of 3.5 years said she wanted to see other people. We were so close, it was really tough. I didn't want this, she did. She said we'd end up back together if it was meant to be. A few days later she was dating another guy, who I have known for a couple of years. She told me she's already involved with him and hopes I can find someone too. The problem is that I gave her all the love I knew how to over the past 3 years and we always vowed to be together and there for one another. I meant it, apparently, she did not. Our issues were so small, we were just taking each other for granted as far as I could tell and she saw that as "falling out of love". Daily life tends to do this sometimes anyone in a long term relationship knows that. We could have easily fixed things. I was saving for a ring, and was planning on asking her to marry me this coming spring. I don't understand how anyone could just run away like that and move on so quickly forgetting about all we've been through and done for one another.

I was doing better with everything and really trying to be thankful for what I still had in my life (she took all the current mutual friends too) my family. I was very close to her family and they are still upset and ask everyday how I'm doing and don't understand what she's thinking as I'm such a great guy.

Last night at 5pm she called me to inform me that one of our best mutual friends had committed suicide by shooting himself. So I had to see all those friends from our relationship last night and everything was just so hard to understand. She was just adequately civil and comforting last night. All of our friends were asking what has been up with her lately -- like she's a different person altogether.

I keep thinking of Bryce and why he would do it. He was the prom king, class president, ROTC straight A college student with the most fun, outgoing personality. He did leave a note that he had gotten an underage drinking citation the previous night and maybe he thought that was the end of his career in the Army. I don't know. Life can be so cruel sometimes and this past month or so has just been heck on my mind. I'm having trouble focusing on anything, I'm lonely and missing all my friends. I'm constantly thinking of Ashley still, and now Bryce and his poor parents who must feel like they want to die too. Please send your prayers out for Bryce, his family, friends, and maybe one for me too. I've been praying so much lately and really hoping for time to pass quickly and all of this pain to subside for everyone. I know things will get better eventually its just that I sense the time until then will be another few months. Many thanks from Buckslayer...

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Prayers being sent to this young man's family. Sorry to see youth doing things like this when they have not experienced all of life yet. Sad deal all around.

As for you Matt, do not let a woman ruin YOUR life. Sure you can reflect back on the good times but she has changed. Better now then to get married and then lead to divorce. Your young, life will throw all different curve balls at you and its how you react to them that will make you who you are. Sure the heart is hurting now but she is going with her heart and her heart tells her to go elsewhere. You will find another girl that will like you for who you are, so be yourself and see what God sends your way.

Don't try to persuade this girl back into your life, if she has done it once it can happen again. Learn from this and move on. As hard as it seems its part of the plan God puts in our lives. We hardly know the plan day to day but in the end, when we look at our life's resume we can see what path God sent us down and I hope yours is a good one!

Take care and wish you the best!!

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Prayers said for you and this young man's family & friends.

As for you, having been there, my husband left me after 10 years together because 'he didn't love me anymore'. We have 3 kids together so I still have to see him 2-3 times a week.

It's hard the first couple months but then it gets easier. You start to see that if they didn't love you as much as you loved them you are better off without them. (I've made it this far) Someday you will find someone that loves you too (atleast that's what they keep telling me)

Remember there is always friends here for you who have a willing ear to listen when you need one.

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This really means a lot ... thanks again for the consolation... it really does help to hear it from others. At 24 I know I have a lot of life ahead of me, a lot to learn, to experience, and time to walk along God's path...

I really appreciate the advice of my elders too, whether its my real family or my realtree family... it means the same because I know both truly care.

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Sounds like your going through a pretty rough patch right now.Keep your chin up.I'm sorry to here about your friend.I've had more than one friend commit suicide.I just don't understand what could be so bad that you don't want to live to see another day.Prayers go out for all his friends and family.

I had a girl I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with(engaged) drop me like a sandbag for her old boyfriend when I was about your age.I eventually met my wife and have two great kids.It will take a while to get over her,but I'm sure you'll find someone that will care for you as much as you care for them.

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Sorry to hear about your friend. Gods plan doesn't always make sense at the time but, it will.

As for the X, IMO I'd keep it that way. She's looking for something that you weren't giving her and I'd bet if you gave her another chance she'll do it again.

Keep your chin up! ;) Prayers sent.

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Prayers sent. Sad to hear about your friend's death.

As for your gf, she may just be too young right now to realize what's in front of her. I hope it all works out for the best for you. Usually by the time you have gotten over it and moved on......she wakes up and is filled with regret.

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first off, prayers for your friend said. may the lord hold him close. now, forget her. you're very obviously better than her. and i'm happy for you. if you had been married, she'd have still be slipping out on you. better the heartache now than later. you'd have a similar sad story like southerngirl. (and southerngirl, you are obviously a better person than that jerk that walked away from you and his kids after 10 years).

trust me, man. if you forget her, find a real lady, things will look much better by time you're 30. and keep praying.

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I've been told all these things many times by so many others and each day it becomes easier to tell myself and really to believe it also, - yet I still falter here and there. I guess that is normal. Bet I'd learn and recover quicker if I had learned this lesson already in life. Thats where everyone's stories and experiences and knowledge help me the most. In convincing myself to believe the RIGHT things for myself.

All I know is that I'm actually excited to deer hunt again. Too bad this breakup happened the week before I had a whole week's vacation to archery hunt and then felt like crap in the woods thinking about the whole mess constantly!

Rifle season begins the 26th here in PA so I'm really looking forward to that with my family.

After the viewing tonight and funeral Thursday for Bryce it will be a relief. Hopefully the weekend will be nice as well. Thanks again everyone, matt

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Prayers for the family and yourself with the lost of your friend.

As for your X...Got to agree with everyone else, better to have a problem now then down the road married and a kid or thinking about children.

I'm sure you will find a lady to treat you better and you will be much better off....just wait to after hunting season ;);):D:D:D

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