Food plot favorites?

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what is chickory????i dont think ive ever heard of that

Last couple times I have planted chickory I have picked up the biologic stuff at wal mart. Honestly not a fan of biologics seeds, but the chickory they package does germinate very quick and the deer love the stuff. I am a fan of pennington seed, and next time around I will order from them ahead of time.

Here is a link to some information on chickory

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Clover is my first choice also. Chicory has also been a good attractant but the clover seems to be the mainstay for keeping deer on the property.

My best advice would to be for you to buy seed made for deer food plots as opposed to farm type seed. The small increase in price will be long forgotten when the results are in.


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We just go to the local feed store and buy a mix of seeds, 7top turnip, purple top turnip, kale, rape, & mustard to plant. That's what is on my backyard and I was hoping to get a mess of greens for myself but the deers keep it mowed down ;) That's what the little doe was munching on in the pic with my kids. We also plant rye, they seem to like it too

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