Dealing with Cussing Hunting Partners


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Guest bowhunter56

This is a touchy subject with me, I hunt alone, but have the same problem at work, don't know why folks have to swear, in their general conversation, i think it's volger, but i am 60, guess i think the way it was and thought it should be, respect for others, where is it,,:confused:

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Well I'm not going to lie. I am a cusser. If the folks I'm with are spilling it then I'll be spilling it too. If there are children or women then I put a lock on it. I work in a factory and I have been in the Marines. Some of the folks that I work with would have no idea what I was saying if it wasn't preceded or followed by some sort of cuss word. I would suggest just letting folks know that you don't care for it if that kind of thing offends you. I work with one very religious fellow that I don't relate too the same as my other co-workers. He never asked me to put a lock on it, but I figured that it was polite.

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In this case, I say make sure to watch your mouth at all times and not just around the "religious" guy. Otherwise, you'll be the hypocrite of the group if you do mention something to the others. I always found it easier to replace the words with something funny like, "Good Granny", "Son of a Biscuit", "Holy Peaches", "Friggin", "Dagnabbit", or anything but the bad words. Jeff Foxworthy is a good example of what to say instead.

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You have got to just ignore it and pretend that you don't even hear it. I'm not gonna lie either, my tongue isn't the best, especially at work or with others that swear a lot. If I'm around young kids or women, or even men that I know don't swear, I leave it out. I know there's no benefit to swearing, and I don't know why I do it. Being at work for 9 hours a day with everyone there swearing like crazy, it doesn't help it stay out of my head.

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No cussing hunting partners here, of course my partners are my wife and kids and you have met my wife and oldest.

Dont think you can change those folks Becky, but you might be able to get them to respect that you do not want to hear it. If you have made subtle hints and they have not worked, might come right out and ask if they would be more respectful by not swearing in front of you or any others who do not want to hear it.

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I assume they're adults, so they have as much right to curse as you do to not listen to it. If you don't want to hear it, tell them but they have no obligation to stop unless they're on your land and you forbid it. If they refuse to stop, you have the right to not hang out with them. It's that simple.

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The ThirdI pretty much covered it for me. In the Corps when I was in, everybody swore all of the time. Most of the people I have ever hung around with did also.

I do my best to control it, but sometimes it gets the best of me, even in strict company. I apologize to them, but it has been around me for 30 years now, and it almost gets to be like a second language at times.


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How do you handle those in your group that just can't talk without cussing?

As a drug cop I deal with people on a daily basis and talk with them on their level - which usually includes cursing. As a result, I find myself cursing in normal conversations. Not an excuse - a cause. I try to rein it in but, if I forget, I am not offended by someone who asks me to refrain.

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I curse all the time unless the kids are around. Just a bad habit I guess. If I am with someone who does not like it, I will try and keep a civil tounge. If it slips, sorry, they will get over it. And if they don't, they have more issues than I have. I don't think intelligence has anything to do with it either. I wonder how many smart people out there cuss? I think it has more to do with ignorance than intelligence. I know I am ignorant.

Also, if you replace a cuss word with words like "Son of a Biscuit", "Holy Peaches", "Friggin"", then you may as well say the word because you are already thinking it anyway. Just like fornication and adultry. You know how the bible says something like "If you think about having sex with someone or lusting at someone (i,e; "window shopping") then you are committing it...."(something like that anyway), well, that is the same thing in this scenerio. If you're going to replace the word with another word, then you are already thinking about it, you're just putting it in a more appropriate context.

I guess the best advice I can give is if the language bothers you that much, change hunting parters or ask them not to talk like that around you. If they have just a little respect for you, they won't get mad that you asked them to stop and should hold no grudges. Good luck with this.

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One interesting note is that the F word, S word, A-hole, B word and all but Damnation are not mentioned in the Bible. The Catholic church deemed what was a curse word. In fact, the only reason those words were originally outlawed was the thought that people were putting a curse on you by saying them. Guess who thought that up. Yep, the church and the Pilgrims that fled for religious persecution only to persecute themselves. The only thing mentioned about saying anything is when you say ill-begotten words against someone wishing something bad would happen to them or saying useless words or taking the Lord's name in vain. Just a little side note for you. Basically now it's just viewed as a social fauxe pas. Nothing specifically says you can't say it in the Bible or what those words are.

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