Magnus Stinger Broadheads???


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Has anybody had any success with these broadheads? if so, have you been able to get a good blood trail? even a decent blood trail? a guy i hunt with used these broadheads up until about noon today... he shot his second buck of the year, unfortuntally after looking for many of hours he lost both bucks with very, very poor blood trails... he knows that he made great shots on both of these bucks but the blood trails were horrible at best... ( a drop or two of blood every 15 yards or so )... so has anybody ever had a good blood trail with these broadheads?

btw, he is now shooting muzzys for the rest of our NY bow season which ends friday...

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Guest bow_hunter101

Ted Nugent has had alot of success with Magnus Stinger broadheads. Most every blood trail I've seen on his show has been dang good and very easy to follow. And he shoots under 50 pound draw weight... I personally use Muzzy's, always have and probably always will. I love 'em! :D

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I personally haven't used them because I haven't bought any yet.My buddy(also former bow shop owner) shot a doe with one, and a customer shot a 14Pt. buck with one as well. Dan(buddy) blood trailed both, and described it as a blood trail that a blind monkey could follow. From what he described, damage was pretty extensive. He shot Muzzys before, and said he'll be shooting Stingers from then on. I'm sorta leaning the direction forsythe04 is...maybe they weren't that great afterall. I don't mean to point fingers or anything, but from what I've heard, this isn't characteristic of these heads.

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Have have never used the Magnus heads, but look for Gator to chime in on this in the morning:D

You betcha!!!! I ahve shot 3 deer with them, one I lost due to just a bad shot, the other two went around 40yds before expiring. The first one I did a reverse blood trail on to find my arrow, and yes, a blind man could have followed it. I absolutely LOVE THEM. I have a buddy that uses them as well, and he swears by them. The only thing I can think of for lack of blood trail would be shot placement, ie high in the body cavity, and any head woulkd pretty much have a poor trail in that scenario

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I've used Magnus broadheads for 4 yrs now. I really like them & I've never had a problem with a lack of a blood trail.

The best part of them is that they offer a lifetime guarantee to damaged broadheads. Just send them in & they'll send you new ones. No questions asked. Send a pic of your harvested animal & they send you a free t-shirt or hat.

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I love em...I have shot them for several years, blazed a heart shot out of a 9 point last year, he was a dead deer walking...all my deer went 50 yards or less....I carry the older black heads, two and four bladed, and a hand sharpener with me, they are always touched up, just to keep them Tedly, Deadly could shave with my broadheads.....I love em...nothing wrong with Muzzy, but I love my Magnus heads, if your buddy wants to sell his, Ill take me an

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Shot placement is the key, not the broadhead. I once shot a buck with muzzy practice blades ( by accident ). Luckily, it was a good shot and took out both lungs, he didnt go 40 yards. Im sure your friend thought he made good shots but any modern day broadhead would do the job easily with proper shot placement. Personaly, i would not switch from the Stingers.

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