HELP!! with doe in-heat lures


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Guest bigalt78

man i use the code blue standing estrus and that's the real deal dude. i have also used tinks and it works good too. only down fall on the code blue standing estrus is the price 40 dollars a bottle.

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here are a few options i have heard good things about code blue as mentioned above i tried the new VS1 estrous this year could barely smell it myself but did have a buck respond to it that i was able to harvest 11 pt scored 113 no monster but a respectable public land buck in pa 3.5 year old deer to just no tine length so i guess that means it worked i have also had success w bob kirsheners silver top.

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My problem with scents is do they really really work?? I have used scents, and I have used no scents, I've seen deer either way. I continue to use scents only to give me maybe a slight advantage, but sometimes I think scents can hurt you also. I've seen deer with Tink's Trophy Buck lure but not with #69, I've also seen deer with Knight and Hale. I honestly think that being in the right place at the right time has more to do with hunting success than anything else.

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