Get ready to drop some cash on a gun...what do you think??


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I was buying a gun every year there for awhile and well I have got out of the swing of things. I havent bought a gun in 3 years.

I was at a gun show and saw a Remington 700 300 Ultra Mag RMEF (Rocky Mtn. Elk Found.) that I fell in love with on the spot. Well I plan on purchasing the rifle after Christmas and putting a Bushnell Elite on it, at least 50mm with 10x.

What are your thoughts on the 300 Ultra Mags performance? And should I put a 3200 or 4200 Elite on it?

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This should be an awesome rifle. If I am not mistaken the RMEF model 700 is the 700 XCR. This is a great rifle in a great caliber. I handled one of these rifles at a local Gander Mountain. The Realtree camo stock is a good looking stock. As far as caliber goes, the .300 Ultra Mag. is a powerful, flat shooting round. I have the 700 Stainless Fluted Sendero and the 700 LSS in this caliber. Sure it has a little recoil but it is not as bad as everyone says. I shot an 8-pointer last Saturday afternoon with my Sendero and I didn't even notice the recoil. The only complaint that I would have with the .300 RUM is that ammo is expensive, and there is not a great selection of factory loads availible. Since the big increase in the past months on Ammunition, a box of .300 RUM went up about $10.00 dollars a box. It you can find a box for under $40.00 you are lucky. If you want the most powerful commercially loaded .300 magnum, ammo cost is just something we'll have to deal with.

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